love/confuse story part 3

there are many of you that want part 3 well here you have it i hope you love it as much as i love writing it please comment and rate and u will see which one you will fall for?

josh:wannabe justin but deep down still is the outgoing lovable guy u meet for first time justin:changed because of tyler kissing you but he will change back to skater for you. AWWW!!! tyler:upset about what has happened says he will forget and move on but you know deep down tyler loves you and he tries and tries to win your heart and he is also a jokester

Created by: lol
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you have just woken up what would u wear to school?
  2. what ever u choose u will like amazing then u arrive to school then u hear a familiar voice who do u want it to be?
  3. well it was justin then u say"what do YOU want i thought you want me out of ur life?" justin said "i was stupid im in love with u and only u,do u still love me?" pik an answer!
  4. then u say"yes but why r u changing?" justin said"cuz u kissed tyler then i found out that he kissed u but u try to push yourself away but the only thing i have left to say im sooooooo sorry would u want to get back together?"
  5. then u say "yes i will go out with u but u have to promise me to trust me" then he says "yes" then u say "i love u justin!" then justin says"i love u t--" then josh comes and interrupts the moments what will u do or say?
  6. then josh leaves then justin says"gtg c u at lunch or whenever sweetie!" then he kissed u how will u react?
  7. then u go to class then tyler is sitting there mad what would u do?
  8. then class is over and u choose to talk to tyler and u ask "whaTS wrong?" he says "what does justin have that i dont??!!???!!!" u say "hes"then he cuts u off and says"forget i never want to talk to u"
  9. but then tyler said"did u ever even like me alittle?" u reply"yes but like a brother or a friend" then he says "i dont want to leave my life but im going to go out with u one day u hear me,_____" u said "but--" then he left then u go to ur next class which ur boyfriend is in!!!!! how will u react?
  10. then u got invited to a party and justin,josh,and tyler r invited too who would u love to there the most?
  11. then u go home to change for the party what will u wear?
  12. then u arrive with ur amazing dress or whatever then u see someone u know who u want it to be?
  13. well it was justin and u asked u to go with him to a room then who knows who what happen oh wait i know....u laid on the bed and justin was on top of u and he was making out with u how will u react?
  14. that the end for today will u want me to make more? (no effect)

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