Liv and Maddie Quiz

Do you think you know a lot about Liv and Maddie? Then take this quiz and test your knowledge! Note: a lot of these questions are pretty hard! Good Luck! :)

To take this quiz you must know what Liv and Maddie is and watch it! This quiz will tell you if your just an average fan (below 50%) or if you are more than that and a true fan (above 50%)! :)

Created by: KaseyB14
  1. Which actor/actress(s) plays the role of Liv and Maddie
  2. What time/day was Maddie born?
  3. What time/day was Liv born?
  4. What does it say on Livs pillow in her and Maddie's room?
  5. What is the color of Diggies eyes?
  6. What did Maddie tear in Space Werewolf a Rooney?
  7. Which leg did Maddie break?
  8. Season 1 Episode 15?
  9. How many strips are on Maddies sock during the theme song?
  10. What is the only episode where Maddie wears high heels for MOST of the episode?
  11. What color is Livs iPhone case in the theme song?
  12. What does the poster on Maddies side of the room say?
  13. What number is on Maddies shirt in Twin A Rooney during the 1st scene?
  14. What is Liv afraid of?
  15. When did Liv and Maddie officially start airing?

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