how much jeffery star are you???

Do you like Jeffery Star? do you think you know him? well take this quiz right hurr and find out. It wont take long and its really simple just answer these few quistions and find out p.s. if you are getting bored just reading this then you will have alot more funtaking the quiz.

take this quiz now to escape reading this, or if yo actually enjoy reading this well then you really are a book worm 100%. I hope I have written enough words by now because im bored and tired im just going to make shure I have enough words by writting random words down now. bannana worm cookie cheesecake yes I am a junkie but im suprisingly skinny.

Created by: April Lynn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How much eyeliner do you wear?
  2. Do you wear black ever
  3. how about this fav. color???
  4. whos your hero??
  5. yes?
  6. no?
  7. do you like to swim.
  8. did you enjoy this quiz little gangsta.
  9. bored?
  10. cookie

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Quiz topic: How much jeffery star am I???