How Much Do U Know Of Wings Of Fire Book 1?

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There are a lot of people who may know wings of fire but some people think they know it all. Come test your knowledge. Lets see what you get and think now!

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Created by: Indominus Raptor
  1. Which dragonet wanted to escape the Talons of Peace's grasp first mentioned in the story?
  2. How did the Skywings find the dragonets, Dune, Webs, and kestrel?
  3. What did Morrowseer want the guardians to do that Webs would not watch or participate in?
  4. Which guardian was killed when Queen Scarlet found the cave they were hiding in?
  5. Which was Queen Scarlet's ally?
  6. What did Queen Scarlet force other dragons to do?
  7. Where was the Skywing Palace located?
  8. What was Clay's friend in his prison for then?
  9. What did Peril find out about her mother?
  10. What did Queen Scarlet make Glory?
  11. Who was Peril to Queen Scarlet?
  12. Why were there Burn marks on Kestrel's claws?
  13. Why did Scarlet want Clay and Peril to fight at the end?
  14. Who did Tsunami kill in the battle she was in?
  15. Who had killed hvitur?
  16. Why did Asha die?
  17. Why was Clay upset when he found out who his mother was?
  18. What had happened to Scarlet?
  19. Why was Peril so hot she could burn any dragon she touched?
  20. Who came to rescue Starflight?
  21. What did Clay realize he can do?
  22. Who killed kestrel (also this is in Epilogue or something like that)

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