Hogwarts Part Twelve

HER QUIZ IS OUT! It didn't apear on the new quiz list *sad face* BUT it's now out, so go read it! I love her quizzes, more people need to read them!!!

HER QUIZ IS OUT! It didn't apear on the new quiz list *sad face* BUT it's now out, so go read it! I just need to fill space now...hmm, well just read the quizzes please!

Created by: _ViolaLover_

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. PEOPLE Hogwarts Part Twelve is out, but it didn't show up on the new quiz list. And Hogwartslove didn't put out an anouncment, so I thought I would for her. SO don't bother to finish this quiz, just go take hers!
  2. Um, if you can't find it, just click on her user name on one of her past quizzes, or search 'HogwartsLove'
  3. So, yeah! Don't read anything else! Just go read it!
  4. ...
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. ...
  8. ...
  9. ...
  10. ,,,

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