Hogwarts Part 32 | Comments

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  • @hp4evr Thank you! Yes, Cassandra is basically a reflection of my own personality. Perhaps that's what makes her so relatable, though generally I'm not very relatable myself. :P

    Ah, the options. I am going to try not to skip out on them from here on out, but making them for three editions at one time just seemed like too much time to spend. They'll be back next time for sure. :)

    Yes, the Weasley twins are particularly hard love interests to portray, especially when including Ron. I've always thought of them more as friends. At this point, I'm keeping them in the story, but probably not nearly as much as the others. As far as the ratings go, I guess if someone doesn't necessarily like my writing, I'm okay with that. Thank you for the support, though! :)

  • And one more thing, how could any one rate your quizzes so low? Perhaps they might've been inspired by our board examiners. :/

  • Sorry for the delay! I was just so busy with college and everything that I didn't get time to post a decent comment.

    I totally agree with @vulturemonem. You do seem to beat everyone in everything. Your characterisation, word choice and setting, everything is absolutely perfect. I can actually associate more with Cassandra than any other character of Harry Potter fanfic world because oddly enough, she mirrors my own personality. I must also say that I missed the options, they seemed to be an icing of a perfect cake but never mind, I still love your writing and I'm eagerly waiting for the much anticipated 'sixth year'. (:

    Umm... that scene with George Weasley, I really don't know what to say about it. I usually find it odd to have twins and Ron in the same story because they're brothers. Never mind, it's not much of an issue though.

    Regardless, great parts once again by a brilliant writer!

  • @LovelyTeenWriter Thank you so much! And I do plan to go to the end of the books. :)

  • Love this story already! Your a really good writer and you capture the Harry Potter Series entirely! Write more because your great at it!

  • @bananabread Thanks! I really didn't know what to do with George for the most part, so I'm glad it worked out well. I enjoy your writing as well. :)

    @vulturemonem I read all of your comments, and I literally could not stop smiling. It's quite staggering to me how much support I've received from you and my other commenters.

    Yes, the options are perhaps the hardest part for me to finish when I post. I was questioning whether I should just release one edition at a time and actually make the options, but I wanted to get these out as soon as possible.

    Anyway , good luck with school! Luckily, I'm done for the summer. :)

  • Hmm. I'm exceedingly confused... When I went to write my comment, and rate 10*, as this deserves, the current rating was 1*! I was just like 'Which idiot had done this?!'. I mean seriously.

    Anywa y, another great chapter! Ah. Boys, boys and more boys. Who does a girl choose? Well with your series, I seem to becoming a bit of a Harry's girl again. *sigh* Poor Harry; the thing at the Department of Mysteries isn't going to be easy for him, particularly with Sirius... I felt like I'd been stabbed when I first read that Bellatrix killed him off, the first time I read 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix'. She really is an insane freak. Moving on...

    Honestly, I can't wait for your next update! I know what you mean about options though, I can hardly ever be bothered to do anything exciting. And you beat me by a mile with results and the two paragraphs! I'm terrible! *hangs head on shame*

    I would go and work on mine now, but I have a load of Chemistry revision to do. School. The bane of my life!

    Can't wait for the next one! (George Weasley, you sneaky devil)

    xXvulture monemXx

  • I love your series. Mainly I'm a Draco girl but last one, you made me fall in love with George. You're a really good write and I enjoy your series.


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