Help?!?! (mainly girls but guys would be helpful) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Help?!?! (mainly girls but guys would be helpful).

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  • Alrighty girly, here's my advise to you. He may like you, he may not. I think it may be too early to tell. I wouldn't make any "moves" yet until you know for sure that he likes you. But honestly, from what I read, he seems like a jerk, and I wouldn't waste my time with him. But I could be wrong, maybe he's really sweet, if that's the case for YOU, then you can think about it. But, don't think about it too much. We go to school to get an education, not be the most poplar, not have the most boyfriends/girlfrie nds, etc. I don't want you thinking about this all day and then get poor grades in school. Also, don't be nervous around him, he may be nervous around you too. Number one rule, BE YOURSELF. Act natural without making a fool out of yourself ;-P If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it. Focus on good grades and friends rather than boyfriends. Later on though, if you find out if he does like you, don't rush things, go easy on him, and BE YOURSELF. This is just my opinion, do what YOU think is right for YOU!!! Relationships and crushes and all that while in school can be tough, especially if its your first. So whatever you do GOOD LUCK!!!!! Hope I helped :)

  • I got freaked out for a second. Some parts of this sound exacly the same as my crush. He wears a dark blue hoodie, and it suits him :3 he can also be a jerk to me sometimes, but mainly he is friendly and sweet :3

  • lulz


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