Harry Potter Love Story 😍

Have you ever wondered, "which Harry Potter guy is right for me?" This quiz is extremely accurate, so you will know for sure who your Harry Potter love would be?

Will it be Harry, Ron, or Draco, you decide. Who will it be? Ps. If you have a small bladder like mine please don't take this, it is kinda long and you might pee yourself, I know I did!

Created by: Hemione Granger
  1. This is your first year at Hogwarts, you are extremely nervous, you see a place to sit on the Hogwarts express, you see a girl sitting with one dark haired boy, and one red head boy, who do you sit by?
  2. The red head introduces himself as Ron, and the dark haired boy is named Harry. The ride gets a little bumpy when suddenly you feel sick. The guy you are sitting next to offers you a chocolate frog, you are too polite to resist, so you take a bite and throw up all over the dark haired boy's lap!
  3. The girl, Hermione, is shoked! Harry goes to the restroom to clean up as tears stream from your eyes. You are so embarrassed you can't stand it. Ron comforts you as you cry harder.
  4. The girl, Hermione, is shoked! Harry goes to the restroom to clean up as tears stream from your eyes. You are so embarrassed you can't stand it. Ron comforts you as you cry harder.
  5. When you get off the train, Harry's clothes now faintly smell of vomit and there is a wet spot on his robes, but he is fine. When you put on the sorting hat a little voice whispers in your ear: Ah, not very brave, but a lot of knowledge in that brain of yours. You would do nicely in Hufflepuff, but no, that's not it, oh! I know! RAVENCLAW!
  6. You are lying in your bed, feeling happy as could be. You fall asleep, when you wake up, your bed is soaked and it smells like pee all over it.
  7. After changing your robes, you go down for breakfast.
  8. Who do you sit by?
  9. Who do you sit by?
  10. The guy you sit next to smiles shyly and says...
  11. The guy you sit next to smiles shyly and says...
  12. The guy you sit next to smiles shyly and says...
  13. He says I Love You and I want to be with you forever, marry me!

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