finish the kidcore songs! :D (aesthetic)

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so you have to guess the next scentence for a song lyric! sorry if its to short or hard :( its okay if you dont know it! just try your best:D i hope you have a great day today tho! :)

im just writing random words cause i have nothing else to write... HBGNFERGVNYFUHGFBNGIUHJYGVIUJUYHFJHGJHGFJHGFJHGFHGHGHGHG oh! you made it this far? :)

Created by: chiaki nanami:) of lyric quiz
(your link here more info)
  1. and the act you all
  2. come on every pony
  3. how many shrimps do you have to eat before you
  4. it looks like im best and your the worst! :) (hard)
  5. now i know what's real
  6. hold up miss who is walking over there?
  7. close up! i look..
  8. when i rule the world
  9. look at her hair
  10. cover a fire i need a rumor

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