Final Zombie Survival Test | Comments

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  • I got 6%. finally a quiz with accuracy.

  • 64, but i agreee with e lunatic ladydarke and seven days of death

  • racist zombie quizes...

    an actual zombie
  • I got 50%, but it dosen't hold weight as far as I am concerned. You intro to the test boasted it was as factial as could be, however, I lost count of how many times a read "theroy" or "situational" in your questions. Reading these other comments like (appayipyip) who got 34%, and my score is a 50%, both stating having slightly better than average shows you have no idea what your doing or talking about.

  • I might have only got 31, but the result is right. I may not be much skilled, and I really need a lot of luck.

  • I wonder what the blood-soaked arm on the police officer is supposed to signify? That he's been bludgeoning zombies and can fight, or that he's been bitten? Some of the questions are left very open to interpretation.

  • You have a 34% chance of survival.

    With a little luck, some strong friends and sheer determination you just might pull through. Your chances of survival are slightly better than average, but try to stay away from unnecissary danger or you wont live as long as you should.

    Darn...I wanted higher than that. Hey, at least you know my answers are truthful.

  • fair quiz. these are always open to interpretation, as zombie-slaying isn't an exact art, which always makes it difficult for the scenario questions since they assume you've done things to wind up in that scenario: this is where i find this quiz lacking, just a bit, but overall pretty sweet.

    E Lunatic

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