Does He Like Me or Not?

I am a teenaged girl who despite her academic success and extreme intelligence does not excel in the subject of crushes. I need a little bit of help with this dilemma.

You see, I'm having trouble deciding whether this boy on the shy and quiet side likes me or not. I have my pros and cons but would like multiple opinions and kind of go from there.

Created by: FloraFauna46

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Last year, I was telling my friend about Super 8. Then, my crush interjected and said that it was really good. What did this mean?
  2. One time we were supposed to sit by one another in class. We didn't talk at all and I want to know what this means.
  3. I was talking to my friends about where I used to live, which was near where he lives (no I'm not a stalker, just really smart and remember a lot). He glanced at me for a moment. What does this mean?
  4. One time after he had to go in front of the class, I told him "good job". He chuckled and shook his head.
  5. Last week some weirdo came up to me and talked to me although we hate each other for many reasons. I saw my crush glance over. What did that mean?
  6. I made a pretty funny remark one time and he laughed. What did that mean?
  7. Finally, do you think he has a crush on me?
  8. Will you comment?
  9. Oh, nvm, two more, lol. When we were doing an all class (as in every kid) project he seemed to be ignoring me. Can you explain? Note: he was near other girls (not flirting)
  10. How good was this quiz?

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