Does he like me??? :) | Comments

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  • I got 66% But one thing. On the did you ask him out question. What if I asked him out but he hasn't replied yet?

    Because I asked him out in a note on Thursday at the very end of the day and quickly ran away. And he wasn't here the next day and now it's Spring Break and I won't get my answer until 2 more weeks.

  • Nice and accurate :)

  • 76% I love him thank u so much i freakin love this quiz

  • i got 45%.. well, i think he's not into me.. but i had a really strange feeling that he kind of like my friend instead.. *feeling depressed!!*

  • i got that we're meant to be, but the auestions werent very good ones, so no, i doubt we are.

  • 61%... It says I could do better, just like all my friends say. But I stopped letting them do that because he used to like him but according to ten I wasn't "allowed." Well now I still like him (a year now!) and he still likes me, but he's scared to ask me because of what my friends tell him... Putting him down and stuff. Well maybe I like his shortness, braces, crooked teeth, and pitchy voice. Maybe I love his too-long hair and his huge ego. I don't know why, I just do.

  • Haha I then got 27% for Tyler M. I guess I'll go for the other Tyler then :P and I've only known Tyler A. for about a couple of days because we are both in summer gym and yesterday we were at the pool for our little field trip thingy. (I don't know what to call it). And Me and him were kicking a soccer ball around with some other people and then it went past me so I went to get it. I kicked it from where it was which was like 20 feet from where I was standing and I kicked it over like a 10 foot high fence in a basketball court next to the pool. No kne was on the court and then I yelled, "I'll get it." But Tyler was already jogging towards it so I sprinted after him, trying to get to it first. He saw me coming and picked up his pace and reached the ball first like a foot ahead of me. And then he said, "Wow, you almost kicked it out of that hole." And I saw that there was a hole in the fence that went out on a road so I said, "Well, that would've sucked trying to get that." And then started jogging back towards the group and then he (lightly) threw the soccer ball at my back. And then before that, some guy was sayingthat shorter people are faster than tall people and a tall person in our group was like, "That's not true." And me being sarcastic said, "Yes it is." and then we ended up racing and I came in second and Tyler was the finish line and I guess I hit his hand pretty hard when I passed him cause it was all red and he said that that hurts and I kept on saying, "I'm sorry." (I said it like 4 times). And he just kept saying that it was okay.

    So yeah, that's my story and then he also put his hands on my shoulders and his behind me because another girl in our group was trying to throw a volleyball at him. And I said, "You don't hide behind someone who's smaller than you." And I forget what he said. But anyways, cool quiz :D

  • I'm actually gonna take this quiz twice because I'm really confused about 2 guys and the funny thing is is that both of their names are Tyler. :P I got 37% for Tyler A. (This is so I can tell them apart :P).


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