Do you understand the opposite sex?

This quiz is mostly aimed towards women, but guys can take it too, for fun. Don't take these questions/results seriously, I'm just providing entertainment

Do YOU understand the opposite sex? Take this quiz to see if you can truly see into the eyes of another. Filling up the space now . _. Yup, just fiiiillling that space.

Created by: Lanier
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're hanging out with a group of friends, and someone makes a sexist joke; how do you react?
  2. Day at the mall, you're with your girl/boyfriend, and they start checking out a person sitting at a bench; Do you...?
  3. Pron. ;D
  4. You're out shopping with someone of the opposite sex, and they try on an outfit. It fits alright on them, but it isn't your taste. Do you...?
  5. Beer.
  6. There's a party going down next door, what do you do?
  7. Saturday!
  8. Who do you hang out with more?
  9. What kind of food do you eat?
  10. If you could switch genders, could you?

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Quiz topic: Do I understand the opposite sex?