Do you know the lyrics? ~ Good Girl

'Good Girl' is by Carrie Underwood; if you don't know this song, then you can either take the quiz or leave. If you do, what are you waiting for?! Take it!

'Good Girl' is by Carrie Underwood; if you don't know this song, then you can either take the quiz or leave. If you do, what are you waiting for?! Take it! :L

Created by: BTRfreak

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Hey, good girl
  2. I bet you I can tell you
  3. You'll see a good boy
  4. But he's gonna leave ya cryin'
  5. His lips are dripping honey
  6. So, lock up all your love and..
  7. Hey, good girl
  8. I know you think you...
  9. Why, why you gotta be so blind?
  10. It's just a matter of time

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Quiz topic: Do I know the lyrics? ~ Good Girl