How well do you know nevershoutnever lyrics?

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This is for nevershoutnever fans or bored people or both hell its for anyone I love nevershoutnever and its a prrettty fun quiz hahahah in my opinion I had fun righting it thank you for looking at it

are you a never shout never fan? good quizfor you how well do you know his lyrics I think I know it pretty good I did this from my head so Lets see you try!!!!

Created by: Victoria
  1. An easy one.. She's got my heart tied in a knot and stomach in A______
  2. If its not those cowboy boots in the summer oh my god I pray for______
  3. And if if I was a sailor I'd sail the seven see's to tell you baby I dont want you ____
  4. In a sitch like this you've gotta think and I don't think you think about the way she thinks and I know you ______
  5. I've been searching for a girl____
  6. 30 days till christmas and all I know ______
  7. You say where both little people and you like it that way butn time I'm gonna ___
  8. Dont treat me like I ever acused don't treat me I'm ______
  9. Now some harder one's .... and who would've thought that you ever would've ____
  10. sO I moved to the dance floor with_____
  11. Just the other dayshe was a little girl taking over the world with her smile but just the other day I saw that little girl____
  12. We move just like the ____
  13. And if you have a problem I thourly suggest you____
  14. Te day the music died was an awful day the chiildren___
  15. So go to school in chicago and find_____
  16. What the hell was I trying to proove I ran away so young now_____
  17. Talk is cheap but liquour is cheaper and if your looking for a good time____
  18. I am I you are you we are we we could live in such harmony cant you see____
  19. Cause I wouldn't have that and if you stay if you stay tell me____
  20. and dear I wrote you a song in hopes that you would sing a long and dear I dont know_____

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Quiz topic: How well do I know nevershoutnever lyrics?