Do you belong in the "Human" world? | Comments

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  • You don't belong in the human world,yeah I do find myself more so of my own type of person in my own world but I'm fine with that I could careless what others say about me. Cool quiz anyways mate.

  • (Laughs hysterically) Ron Weasley spelled "apes" incorrectly.

    Savannah Brooke
  • I am not from this world humans call earth but I have a purpose to be here you humans depend on me but no one knows ..... I might be alone for now but all will know .... as much as I miss my home as far as it is I must be here you humans probably won't believe me but that's ok you won't have to all will know soon enough I've spent countless lifetimes here trying to have a chance to be a human and now I have it , its my opportunity to warn all of what will happen but I can't fortell all future to humans as it will disrupt time and space and create a black whole but I'm already saying ti much .....

  • i really don't belong down here. i miss my home and i hate the Appes... sorry "HUMANS"

    Ron Weasly
  • 25% you belong

    You are a quiet person. You are unsure of yourself but you are aware of reality. You try a little bit to fit in but are comfortable in your own world.

    You do not. belong

    sooo true! Thats exactly the answer that i wanted too! (actually i was hoping for 0% but whatever lol)

  • 50%!it is quite accurate.NICE quiz! :D

  • I do not belong at all.
    Makes a load of sense...I AM a Klingon...

  • Do Not belong,damn right I don't lol.Great quiz 10/10

    6 6 sick
  • You do not. belong

    You clearly a solitary person as you belong in your own world. You find that you do feel important and imperfect so you turn to your secret dreams and worlds. Rememeber, you are ALWAYS important and your imperfections makes you beautiful. Never forget.

    I always feel out of place+different. I do actually turn to my imagination, and I don't ike to come out of it. It hurts to see reality. But I think i do belong to the human world.

  • 50% I like that answer actually. It shows that I can be in my own world but am also part of this one... yay

    Jack Attack 1995
  • Do you belong in the "Human" world?
    Your Result: You do not. belong

    You clearly a solitary person as you belong in your own world. You find that you do feel important and imperfect so you turn to your secret dreams and worlds. Rememeber, you are ALWAYS important and your imperfections makes you beautiful. Never forget.

  • I do not belong in the 'human' world. True. I'm always doing my own things and dreaming my own dreams..... ;)

  • 50% Belong. True! I'm either an alien, a half-elf or something else that I don't even know about! But I'm half human...:(


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