Do u deserve a diaper punishment

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This will tell u if u need diaper punishment or not. You can make ur siblings take this and laugh at them or whatever. 1 big rUle NO COPYRIGHTING LOLL

This quiz actually goes backwards if u get 0 % then u are a GREAT kid if u get a 100% YOUR A DEVIL AND U DEFINITLY NEED DIAPERS UM I DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY I GUESS DONT BE A BIG BABY

Created by: Nevaeh jennings
  1. How bad have u been
  2. When was the last time u wet ur pants
  3. What did u do
  4. Why did u take this
  5. Do u mess ur pants
  6. Do u throw tantrums
  7. Will u do what this says
  8. Will u comment
  9. Why do u LIKE THIS STUF
  10. Pick one

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