Determine Your Body Type | Comments

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  • Determine Your Body Type
    Your Result: Mesomorph 90%

    The Mesomorph is naturally fit and has a strong advantage over the other two body types. They can gain or lose weight more easily as they so desire. A good healthy diet and exercise will take you great places as you can train harder and do less cardio to get maximal results.

    Well I am comfortable with my size, but I always want to eat and sleeping is amazing. Over quarantine, I do about an hour of Zumba or Pilates on most days. I am on a Musical Theatre course, so need to keep it up, mostly, this time off just got me thinking... Great quiz ^_^

    Sarah Louise
  • Your Result: Ectomorph 77%

    The Ectomorph is naturally skinny and has a hard time gaining weight in general. A focus on lean musculature tissue should be the goal of any Ectomorph. Cardio should be kept to a minimum and physical activity should not be overly done. A high caloric intake diet must done often for optimal results.

    I do not know to be honest. This could be right or just plain be wrong, actually. So yeah, I do not know. Even though I do not know which one I am, cool quiz though. hehe

  • Determine Your Body Type
    Your Result: Mesomorph 90%

    The Mesomorph is naturally fit and has a strong advantage over the other two body types. They can gain or lose weight more easily as they so desire. A good healthy diet and exercise will take you great places as you can train harder and do less cardio to get maximal results.

    27% Ectomorph
    15% Endomorph

  • Your Result: Endomorph 88%

    The Endomorph's primary concern should be to lose body fat as they have a tendency to gain fat easily. There should also be a focus on encouraging an increase in metabolism by eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. An active lifestyle is required to maintain body weight once you have reached your desired weight.

    Uhm, pretty accurate.

  • Determine Your Body Type
    Your Result: Mesomorph 90%

    The Mesomorph is naturally fit and has a strong advantage over the other two body types. They can gain or lose weight more easily as they so desire. A good healthy diet and exercise will take you great places as you can train harder and do less cardio to get maximal results.

    30% Endomorph
    27% Ectomorph
    O oh, yay >w

  • Ectomorph. I mean duh. I'm an adult and weight about 90 lbs and i eat like a pig. But then i notice that i eat well, and while i assumed i ate fast, I watch other people, other bigger people, and they eat a lot faster than i do. So maybe I nibble more than i want to admit. I'm not sure if it's body type or eating style. No clue.

    But this quiz is not really indicative of body type. It takes a lot more analysis than this to determine anything.

    This goes without saying (but maybe it doesn't...) if you want medical advice, see a doctor (for those who don't get the obvious)

  • Your Result: Mesomorph 88%

    The Mesomorph is naturally fit and has a strong advantage over the other two body types. They can gain or lose weight more easily as they so desire. A good healthy diet and exercise will take you great places as you can train harder and do less cardio to get maximal results.

    60% Ectomorph
    44% Endomorph

  • I'm a Mesomorph, I have to eat, because I have a fast metabolism and low blood sugar, if I don't get up to eat I might pass out. I have a naturally muscular build. It runs in the family, bad thing about it is that it's really hard to find pants that fit my big legs and my surprisingly small waist. I have an issue with long sleeve shirt causes they're tight in the upper arms, but baggy around my core and lower arms.

  • Endomorph,well I am anorexic but I kinda do it on purpose to myself sense I don't really enjoy food much and hate my body most of the time but I'm trying to get better with that. I've always been on the healthy and a bit underweight side though usually. Cool quiz mate.

  • Your Result: Mesomorph 88%

    The Mesomorph is naturally fit and has a strong advantage over the other two body types. They can gain or lose weight more easily as they so desire. A good healthy diet and exercise will take you great places as you can train harder and do less cardio to get maximal results.

    80% Ectomorph
    22% Endomorph

  • Determine Your Body Type
    Your Result: Ectomorph 86%

    The Ectomorph is naturally skinny and has a hard time gaining weight in general. A focus on lean musculature tissue should be the goal of any Ectomorph. Cardio should be kept to a minimum and physical activity should not be overly done. A high caloric intake diet must done often for optimal results.

    57% Mesomorph
    19% Endomorph
    u hh I'm fat

  • Determine Your Body Type
    Your Result: Mesomorph 90%

    The Mesomorph is naturally fit and has a strong advantage over the other two body types. They can gain or lose weight more easily as they so desire. A good healthy diet and exercise will take you great places as you can train harder and do less cardio to get maximal results.

  • Your Result: Mesomorph 76%

    The Mesomorph is naturally fit and has a strong advantage over the other two body types. They can gain or lose weight more easily as they so desire. A good healthy diet and exercise will take you great places as you can train harder and do less cardio to get maximal results.

  • Mesomorph

    The Mesomorph is naturally fit and has a strong advantage over the other two body types. They can gain or lose weight more easily as they so desire. A good healthy diet and exercise will take you great places as you can train harder and do less cardio to get maximal results.

  • Ectomorph

    The Ectomorph is naturally skinny and has a hard time gaining weight in general. A focus on lean musculature tissue should be the goal of any Ectomorph. Cardio should be kept to a minimum and physical activity should not be overly done. A high caloric intake diet must done often for optimal results

    yeah that does sounds like me.. i find it hard to gain weight.i'm naturally skinny, like the rest of my family. i'm a bit tall and i am lean

  • Yay! 88% ectomorph, 24% mesomorph. That's good right? I'm 63.3 inches (5 foot 3) and 90 pounds. I'm a 12-year-old girl, almost 13. Less than a month til my birthday! I always thought I was overweight even though I hardly have a waist (it's super tiny). However, I have wide hips and extremely strong, just not very visible, muscles. Maybe that's it? I really don't know :) Great quiz by the way!!

  • Your Result: Ectomorph

    The Ectomorph is naturally skinny and has a hard time gaining weight in general. A focus on lean musculature tissue should be the goal of any Ectomorph. Cardio should be kept to a minimum and physical activity should not be overly done. A high caloric intake diet must done often for optimal results

    very true!!! 10/10

  • Your Result: Ectomorph 86%

    The Ectomorph is naturally skinny and has a hard time gaining weight in general. A focus on lean musculature tissue should be the goal of any Ectomorph. Cardio should be kept to a minimum and physical activity should not be overly done. A high caloric intake diet must done often for optimal results.

  • My Result: Ectomorph 80%

    The Ectomorph is naturally skinny and has a hard time gaining weight in general. A focus on lean musculature tissue should be the goal of any Ectomorph. Cardio should be kept to a minimum and physical activity should not be overly done. A high caloric intake diet must done often for optimal results.

  • Your Result: Ectomorph 88%

    The Ectomorph is naturally skinny and has a hard time gaining weight in general. A focus on lean musculature tissue should be the goal of any Ectomorph. Cardio should be kept to a minimum and physical activity should not be overly done. A high caloric intake diet must done often for optimal results

  • Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg! why does everyone play five nights at freddy's im bored of jumpscaring the night guard. please im trying to talk to my friends aka freddy, chica, bonnie, puppet, balloon boy, balloon girl, purple man and golden freddy. this is a call from the animatronic's. please we have no quiet time anymore. if you stop playing good. If you never have played good. If you still are playing we will jumpscare you forever

    da foxy
  • Ectomorph

    Wow, exactly. I get the same result on any type of quiz like this one. It's SO hard to gain weight! You guys think I might be bragging about being skinny, but sometimes I look at myself and get disgusted at how thin I am. Other times, I'm glad that I have a super fast metabolism... *Sigh* ._. My weight goal is to gain AT LEAST 10 pounds... eh, make that 5.

  • Your Result: Mesomorph 88%

    The Mesomorph is naturally fit and has a strong advantage over the other two body types. They can gain or lose weight more easily as they so desire. A good healthy diet and exercise will take you great places as you can train harder and do less cardio to get maximal results.

    Now I KNOW I TOLD THESE MOTHERf---ERS I CANT SEEM TO GAIN WEIGHT >:[ but I have no problem with my results :) thanks for reading my comment! :D

  • What Type Of Guy's Do You Attract?
    Your Result: Strong and Pretective 89%

    He Loves You so much that he would take a bullet for you. He wont let anyone ever hurt you. He will always be at your side. When He tuches you it will be like fire. He cant get enough. He will have the fearsest hands, but the lightest tuch.

    Silly But Nice 72%
    Loving and Emo 63%
    Funny and playfull
    Post to Your Facebook Wall

  • I'm 5'1 and 94 pounds, but I'm one of the skinniest kids alive, no joke, I am average strong and can run fast, most my weight comes from 5 feet of scrawniness.


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