Confinement Part 5

Announcements: Guys, I'm really on the edge about this series :/ I mean, I like it and stuff but I'm not sure if you guys do since you all loved Beautiful Secrets/Lies/Endings so much, you know?

Well, I'm pretty sure I'll continue it, but please answer the Question of the Day in the results, where it is as usual and comment because I love reading them!

Created by: Dannica
  1. I woke up with sweat glistening on my forehead. I checked the time. Five o'clock. I put my hand to my forehead, panting hard, and saw that I was burning. I got up from my bed a little too fast, making me stumble a bit, and went over to the fridge to pour me an ice cold glass of water. A shrill, high pitched scream echoed through the walls, making me blow back against the mini fridge, almost losing my balance completely. The scream was accompanied by laughing. I relaxed a little bit. Girls. Kids. Just kids. I swallowed a huge gulp, savoring the coolness of the water as it slid down my warm throat. I slowly took a seat on the edge of my bed, Comet curling up into my lap, meowing and licking my hand. "I'm okay, Com," I breathed out. "I'm just a little shaken. Shaken, yes, that was the word. Rattled nonetheless. But it wasn't from the dream itself. It was because of the boy. His poison black hair and dangerous stormy gray eyes that could have been noticed from miles. The way he stood, one shoulder slumped a little lower than the other, putting more weight on one foot. And that smile, filled with mystery and suspense, and even a certain shyness. It was unmistakable. The boy in my dream. He was the boy I saw in the Lobby. And he had told me to run. But from what?
  2. I didn't wish to go back to sleep. Instead, I was listening to music, trying to calm myself down. It was just a dream, I kept telling myself. It doesn't mean anything. But there was that tiny voice in my head that repetitively kept asking, Then why did it feel so real? I didn't know. It was five thirty, and I was drowning my sorrows away by filling my stomach with milk dunked Nilla cookies and trying to have a human conversation with my cat. My bottle of pills stood on the counter, collecting dust for its lonesome as if knowing that I wasn't going to acknowledge it at all. Then there was another knock on the door, this one more light. I brought my optimistically yellow (which just made me feel worse) box of Nilla long with me, putting my hand on the doorknob and pulling it open. Reyna stood there, clipboard in hand, a smile on her face that I just wanted to take and flush down the toilet considering the mood I was in at the moment. I stared at her, my expression unchanging, and waited. Her smile never faltered. "Sorry to bother you, but your mom asked me to check on you every night to see that you have taken your pills." Whoopeedy freaking do.
  3. She craned her neck in, her eyes falling on the pill. Dr. Chavez instructed me to take them every night at five forty-five. Reyna had gotten here ear;y, so she could make sure. I sighed. "Come on in and join and the party." I stepped aside, Reyna eagerly coming in to see what I've done with the place. She took a seat on the couch and flicked her eyes at my guitar. "You're a very artsy type person, aren't you?" I took another bite of my cookie and nodded. I offered her some, but she refused politely. "What's the whiteboard for?" I glanced at the bare whiteboard hanging just to the right of my bed. "Just for reminders and stuffy. Nothing specific, really." She nodded, and, not knowing what else to say, I continued on eating my milk and cookies just like how it was before she even got here. At exactly five forty-five, I popped off the cap of my pills and dumped two out onto my palm. I placed them on the counter, Reyna watching me intently as if I were performing open heart surgery and she was a nurse in training. I got a new glass of water from the fridge, filled it halfway, and placed it next to the pills. Then I popped the two drugs into my mouth, the water washing them down my throat, the sweet vanilla of my cookies drowning away. I put the glass in the sink, and returned my pills back their place.
  4. I eyed Reyna, not saying a word to her. Hopefully she'll forgive me for being so hostile. She bobbed her head slightly, keeping her eyes straight down on her clipboard, scribbling like a mad man, trying gently to shut the door behind her. And then the effects of the pill take place. I'm used to it, though. First you feel fatigue, then dizziness, and then you stagger about in your for a little bit, before falling into a deep slumber, not remembering anything that has just happened until later in the morning. ~ I had five missed alerts from Mom. S**t. It was nine o'clock in the morning, and I was listening to the first of three voice mails that was left on my phone. "Why aren't you answering honey? Is everything okay? Did you take your pills?" I pressed seven to all of them, not caring to give them a listen. I called her afterwards because I felt bad, though. After giving me a lecture about answering my phone because she was worried sick even though I specifically told Dad to tell her not to worry so much in which I assume she didn't take too lightly and didn't take at all, she asked about my first day.
  5. I told her about Reyna and Naomi and Flame and the Town Square and the nice lunch people, and then I casually slipped in quietly at the end about spending a hundred dollars worth of food. "Be careful with that Flame boy," she said. "What Flame boy?" I heard my dad ask in the background. "Mom, please. He's a total jerk." I heard mumbling on the other line and then, "You spent your allowance already?!" It was way too early in the morning for arguments, Mom. "Well I had to eat something. And besides, you guys are going to give me more at the beginning of the week." I heard her sigh. "That was your allowance for the first month." Oh. I was wondering how my parents got that kind of dough to be paying me every week with a hundred dollars. "Sorry, I didn't know." I paused. "I'm pretty loaded up though, Mom. If that makes you feel any better. And I have the school food." "You have to pay for the school food, sweetheart." Well I didn't have to pay. "Fine. Then I'll get a job." Before she could question what kind of job"”because I bet she was thinking some totally exaggerated, like an impending variable in the drug dealing business or something like that since she was my mother"”I told her about my encounter with Dots at Cafe Montesquieu. "You can sing?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm indecisive, but I at least think I'm decent, Mother, way to be supportive." I detected a faintest of smiles and then she said, "Well, okay. Be careful out there. Did you"”" "Yes, Mom, I took the pills. You even had Reyna check up on me, how very dear of you." The sigh was back. "I have to go to work now. We love you." She hung up before I could even say it back.
  6. I changed out of my pajamas and took a shower. I put on some fresh clothes and gave Comet his food, in which he delectably finished up in the amount of time it took me to comb my hair. I peeked out my window and saw that the quad was empty, which meant that everybody was in their first period right now. I took a blue Expo marker and wrote on my whiteboard, FIND YOUR CLASSES YOU IDIOT. I then swung my bag over my shoulder and went down to talk to Reyna. I was midway down the stairs when I saw a faint glimmer in the air by the stools. I clung to the railing so hard my knuckle turned white. "Reyna?" I called out rather loudly. I waited for a few seconds and repeated myself. I waited again. Nothing. I made my way slowly down the steps and peered around. I stood by the stool where I saw the boy, clawing at my bag this time. "Okay," I said aloud. "Whoever you are"”spirit, apparition, ghost, whatever"”show yourself. I want to see you. I'm not gonna be scared and start running off. I just want to talk. If that's possible for your kind. Since you're like...whatever you are." I waited once more. (If there were cameras in here it would definitely prove my instability.) I pivoted on my foot to leave. So much for trying. I turned around and found myself face to face with Reyna. It scared the living crap out of me so of course I screamed and then she screamed and the I screamed louder and then she dropped her clipboard and then I realized who it was and stopped screaming.
  7. "Sorry! You just kinda crept up on me like that and it scared me." Reyna picked her clipboard up and started laughing, although she was breathing heavily. "no, no. I was going to tap your shoulder but I guess it was just wrong timing.: I nodded, holding my over my heart, trying to reassure it that nothing was happening. After all that was done, I asked if I could go to Town Square again, which she obliged to, asking if I needed anything else. "Nope." Just don't do that again or I might have freaking tasered your ass. ~ I took the bus with the same driver and emptied out into the Square. It was way less busy in the morning, since most of the shops were still getting prepared to open up. I made my way through the now familiar street, resisting the urges to get myself something, and walked into the small, isolated, Cafe Montesquieu. There was no live music playing this time, just people in some work clothes on a morning coffee run. Then I remembered that I hadn't eaten breakfast. I had a few extra dollars in my bag, so I might as well. "Hey, Dots," I greeted with a smile when it was my turn at the register. "Hi, stranger," she replied with her warm tone of voice. "What can I get for you?" I looked over the delicious looking menu and settled on a breakfast croissant and a nice little mug of Hot Chocolate again. She ran it up, and as I was giving her my money asked, "Is that gig offer still open?"
  8. I now had a job. My hours were on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, at three to four-thirty. Not so bad. I started tonight, actually, and I got a little practice up on the stage with my voice, even though I didn't have my guitar with me. They were going to pay me fifty dollars a gig, which I thought was pretty damn good. I arrived back at school at around break time, and I was able to find Naomi so I could ask her about my classes. She showed me around for the first five periods, until we hit a bump in the road. "I don't know where this chemistry class is. I have a different teacher." I sighed, staring at the unknown D12. "But I happen to know someone who's standing right over there who does." She nodded her head to the English buildings, where Flame and one of his friends were socializing. "Oh, Flame's friend?" Naomi laughed, took my arm, and dragged me to them. "Flame, where D12?" she inquired for me. Flame glanced at me and smiled. "You don't have D12, though?" Naomi rolled her eyes. "I know I don't, it's for the newbie over here." Flame rose his eyebrows. "Oh, the green bean? Well I suppose since it's for her then she should be the one asking me, yeah?" She nudged me with her arm, urging me with her eyes to do so. "Uh, Flame, where might D12 be located?" He grinned and then started walking away. Before I could question his notion, he turned back and gestured me to come to him. "Let's talk a walk."
  9. "Is this some kind of tactic so you could be alone with me, green bean?" I kept my eyes straight ahead, not wanting to see the amusement on his face. "No, I just wanted to know where my classes were." He laughed. "You're really awkward, you know that?" I snapped my head in his direction. "You're really"”" "Cute, I know." "Frustrating, was actually the word I was going to use, not cute." "Although I am cute." I could tell he waited for a rebut from me, and I could also tell he knew he wasn't going to get one. He laughed as I followed him left, past a big fountain splurging out water. "So where're you from?" he asked, digging his hands in his front pockets of his cut off jeans. "Uh, Maine." He turned right, me following and wondering why the hell this building is so far into the school. "That's cool. I hear they have the best lobster." I laughed, even though I swear I wasn't supposed to. He looked at me with a jaw-dropping smile. "Yeah, I guess you could say the lobsters are pretty good." "So then why'd you come here? Other than wanting to meet me, of course." I smirked. "Right. Because I've heard so much about you in Maine." I paused for a minute. "I came because...Well, it's complicated. Let's just say some people thought it would be better if I got away for a while."
  10. He nodded. "Do you agree with them?" I looked over at him, his jawline so chiseled it could have been a statue. "Does it matter? I'm already here." Flame stopped outside a door labeled D12. "Some things should be taken into your account. So what do you think?" I put a little mark next to my sixth period and pointed to my next unidentified class, G18. He started walking again, me alongside. "What do I think of what?" He looked at me with those green eyes, reminding me of those perfectly deep green artificial grass at the golf courses. "Me. Excluding the obvious: charming, sophisticated, and dapperly handsome." I rose one of my eyebrows at him. "Are you really asking me that question?" He laughed, his eyes twinkling. "Yes. And I know there are many fine adjectives to choose from, but I prefer you kept it simple." I just noticed how close we were walking; the sleeves of our shirts grazing each other. "I thought I already made it clear that I thought you were a douche?" "I thought I changed your mind." "You thought wrong." "As did you."
  11. It was then silent from now on, although I know he had that stupid, goofy, vain...cute...adorable...but still stupid smirk on his face. "Do you have a boyfriend back in Maine?" he asked randomly. I laughed. "Why do you care?" "I'd like to know if I should step it up a notch with the flirting or not."I felt myself go red, but begged my face to stop. "If I said yes, even though I didn't, would you still discontinue with the flirting?" He laughed, us accidentally bumping shoulders. "I didn't say I would discontinue. And you like the flirting. Every girl does." "Is that why all the girls are all over you?" Flame stopped walking. "Ah, I've found a solution to why you act all antagonistic towards me.Is it because you don't want to fall into that particular group of girls?" I lowered my eyes. "What would say if I said yes?" He started walking again, a grin emerging. "I'd say you'd fail." I hurried to catch up with him. "What's that supposed to mean?" His grin never wavered. "I can make you fall in love with me." I narrowed my eyes. "Are you sure about that?" He chuckled. "It's funny you question it."
  12. Flame helped me find my classes, both of us not saying a word to each other after our little conversation a while back. Gah, he was cute. I hate to admit it, but he was. And he was right. I didn't want to be just another one of those girls that admired him. And he probably flirts with everybody. Besides, why would he pick me, out of all the other girls at school? Exactly. The bell rang right when he finished showing me my last class. He stood there just watching me. "Uh, thanks," I said, not able to meet his gaze. "You're welcome. But hey, can you do me a favor?" I could hear the rush of student chatter coming our way. "Sure?" He smiled. "Great. I'll see you later then, green bean." He turned to walk away, leaving me in a puddle of my own confusion. I scratched my head and tried hurrying after him, but he was lost amongst the rest of the students.

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