Confinement Part 3

Announcements: If you haven't taken the prologue, please do! Okay, another guy is introduced here, but I'm not revealing the name just yet c; Most of the beginning stuff is kinda like hints to what's going to become in the later parts... rest assure that it will get more exciting! And I'm putting more Flame in the next part, and we'll see if it changes your mind about him since I know his first impression was slightly infuriating :')

Created by: Dannica
  1. I passed my time finishing up my room, which didn't turn out half as bad as I thought it would be. Dad bought me a huge whiteboard, which fit well with the tomato red walls. I arranged my clothes according to type and color: shirts with shirts, jeans with jeans, shorts with shorts; that kind of stuff. I decided to prop up my guitar to the study table, so that people could see that I played if they decided to come to my door. I call it showing off your talent without having to do work for it. After that I lay down my favorite rug by my bed, which was shaped like a skeletal arm, which was beyond cool. Then my stomach started rumbling. I checked in the fridge. Milk and a liter of water. Okay. I closed the fridge and went over to Comet, whom was playing with one of those plastic balls with the spikes on them. "Should I got out tonight, Com?" I waited like he was actually going to respond. "I think yes, then."
  2. After taking a nice warm shower and putting on some fresh clothes, I went down stairs to the Lobby, hoping to find Reyna. At first I saw nothing but desertion. No one was watching t.v on the big screen, no one was playing ping-pong, and there was no music playing. It was strange. I walked around, getting myself a slushie from the drink vendor, when I saw a small sign with an arrow pointing straight ahead labeled DA. I walked on, slurping my slushie, until I came to a navy blue door with Reyna's plaque next to it. I knocked thrice. "Come in," her voice called out. I walked in obediently as she was put some papers in a file. "Oh hi, hon, what can I do for you?" I looked over her office, where the walls were covered up in cameras. Yes, I said cameras. They were just hanging there, all types of them: disposable, Nikon, Canon, Polaroid; it was all so peculiarly intriguing. "I used to be a photographer," she said, beaming. "All these cameras were my favorites. I have more in my home, so don't get all amazed by this." I Laughed. "It's too late for that." After studying a Kodak with my eyes I asked, "Can I go out tonight?"
  3. Reyna glanced at her clock hanging right above the door. "Sure you can! The buses come every thirty minutes, and curfew's at nine. So did you get a chance to see some kids?" I scratched the leather of my bag. "A couple. Some better than others." She grinned and then put the file in a cabinet. "Well let's hope you get a chance to befriend the better ones, then. Now go along. Old Reyna here has a bunch of work to do." I nodded understandingly and left the room, shutting the door behind me. Then I saw it. It was by one of the high stools by the big vanity mirror. A face. No wait, not a face this time. A body. A whole freaking body. A boy, actually. He was sitting in the stool, twisting from side to side, grinning. And there wasn't a faint glow coming from him, like all the other "apparitions" that I saw. If I didn't know any better I would have thought he was real. But I did. I backed up against the wall and reached for Reyna's office handle. When I glanced back up at him, he gave me a two fingered salute, and poof: he wasn't there anymore.
  4. I released my grip from the handle and walked over to the stool he was sitting at. It felt warm. Was that possible? I shuddered. It didn't matter anyways. He disappeared. Out of Sigh. Nowhere to be seen. Gone.
  5. I found myself immediately in my room curled up in fetal position on my bed, Comet laying next to me. I was staring at the wall, fumbling around with my fingers. He was so real—so life like. And the seat...weren't ghosts supposed to be cold? I wallowed there in my own self pity for maybe half an hour. It was only two thirty, and I had no idea what I was going to do to pass the time until the next bus came around at three. I checked my pule. I was still breathing hard. My stomach growled again. I held it with my hands and sighed. "Fine."
  6. I was outside the cafeteria, debating whether or not I should go in. Did you have to pay for your food? Surely not, considering that the whole boarding school admission cost thousands of dollars. But it was the end of lunch. I bet they think I'm about to launch a tyrade on them, I thought. They're probably wondering why a teenage girl scratching frantically at her bag is eyeing their cafeteria. I rolled my eyes and turned my back on the whole idea. Might as well find my classes. "Miss?" I turned around and saw a short lady in a hairnet beckoning me to come over. "Can I help you?" she asked when I was a foot away. I rubbed my wrists. "I-uh, I was wondering if you had any food left. I'm kinda new here and—" "Of course, of course!" she cut off. "Come in. Half of us were about to start having anxiety attacks since you were just standing there."
  7. I laughed. "Sorry about that." She turned to look at me and grinned. "Don't worry about it." She opened the door for me, which I thanked her graciously, and was welcomed to the warmth of leftover lunch food and the smell of cooking oil and butter. Yum. A couple of the staff was crowding around, waiting for the lady to say something. "The girl's just hungry." They all sighed in relief in unison and started laughing. "Did I look that threatening?" I asked with a surprised look. One of the cooks waved a spatula in the air. "You were scratching at that bag of yours like a woodpecker would wood." The lady in the hairnet laughed, while the rest of the staff went back to their stations. "We don't got much," she said. "Teenagers eat like wolves, you know. But eat what looks appetizing. And if you're one of them diet obsessors we have some salads in the fridge, if you'd like." I waved the offer off politely. "I'm good." I squinted at her name tag. "Thanks, Connie." She smiled in return. "Don't sweat it, hon. But don't thank me. Bill's the guy who makes all the great food." She pointed a finger at the guy with the spatula, who nodded in agreement with a toothy guffaw. "Thanks, Bill. And sorry if I disrupted you guys." Bill shared a confused glance with Connie. "You're formal; you know that, girl? And I reckon you're new here, because we love hanging out with the kids. Hell, some try ditching just to stay with us." He waved his spatula again, before heading back to the kitchen. "True story." I grabbed a still hot plate from a stack and looked through my options, my mouth watering. "Help yourself," Connie beamed, following Bill out. Help yourself, she said. And helped myself I did. I did it good.
  8. The office let me out the school, and I soon found myself sitting at the bus stop, approximately two minutes before three o'clock. After stuffing myself silly I went back to the dorm to grab some money for groceries. I saw my slushie melting away in its cup on my nightstand. I threw it away hastily, because it was just a reminder of that boy that I saw. My fingers started scratching at the leather again. I removed my dorm key from my jean pocket and put it safely in my secret little pouch in my bag. Then I heard a low rumble. At fist I thought it was my stomach again, until I saw a gray and white bus come into view. As it started coming closer I noticed that barely anybody was in there. The bus driver looked like a stout man, with balding light gray hair, and frog-like cheeks that puffed out a lot. He came closer, until finally pulling to a stop in front of me. The doors whooshed open as I stood up and stepped in. "Do I have to pay?" I asked. He shut the doors and put the bus back in drive. "Don't worry about it," he grumbled. "Town Square?" I held onto the grips above me before taking a seat while the bus started rolling back onto the rode. "Yeah. And thanks."
  9. I took a seat a couple rows behind the driver and stared out the window, examining the small new city.My thoughts were interrupted by a loud crumple behind me. I turned around and saw a person I hadn't seen when I entered holding a newspaper to his face (assuming it was a guy from his strong looking hands).I turned back around and forced myself to calm down. He's a person, and he's real, and he's just a normal civilian reading the newspaper and taking the bus.I took a deep breath, my heartbeat taming itself while the Town Square came into view. It was an array of shops, some smaller than the others. There was a cobblestone road and cemented sidewalks in which pedestrians were walking about, holding shopping bags in each hand. There were carts and vendors lining the streets with striped covers, willing passerby to consider buying something off them. Shop signs popped out everywhere I looked in different fonts, colors, and sizes. It actually looked rather pleasant.
  10. The bus came to a wheezing stop, the doors busting open. I stood up and walked back to the front, thanking the bus driver. Before I stepped off, I glanced behind my shoulder to see if Newspaper Guy was still there. And as if he knew I needed some sort of proof, he flipped the page, his face still concealed.

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