Can I guess who you are

This might seem super obvious, but it's not because even though you may think you're the only one who might answer something, almost all of these questions apply to more than one person.

The people who are choices for this are the one who can kinda sing idk, the other twin ew, the person who threatens everyone because ITS A FREE COUNTRY, that girl who eats babies and trash lmao die

Created by: Rachel
  1. Have you lived in Bucks County your whole life?
  2. Do you have step siblings?
  3. Hello
  4. do you have long eyelashes?
  5. Sun
  6. on a scale of 1-10 how much do you like the walking dead
  7. do you like tí¸p?
  8. pick an animal
  9. Otp?
  10. are you in Pennsylvania right now
  11. are you taller than me
  12. If you could go anywhere right now where would it be
  13. Bye

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