Are your friends out to get you or your true friends? | Comments

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  • Huh, I am confused...

    Pizza is cool
  • not 63%.... truee....

    Too me
  • why is losing weight in so many parts of the question, workout routine? when you lose weight? why are you obsessed with losing weight, what if you dont need to lose weight or what if you dont do workout routines with your friend, and why would she not be your friend because you lost some weight, what are you, an anorexic? i didnt like that quiz

  • yay! NOT13%!!! happy friends! i like cats. i dont really like mac&cheese, only homemade kind sometimes. my grandma's cat is fat.

  • NOT84%

    Well seems like this friend has alot of jealousy towards you. Maybe it would be best if you got rid of this friend so she doesn't take all your ideas and creativity away from you.....but if you like her alot....try but seems like a dead end friend if they act like that towards you.

    --- yaa... i've relized that now and i absolutly hate her!!! im serious but the worst thing is that i was her first friend she ever made in this school!!! and she has no other friends because since i let her hang out with me and my friends shes full of herself!!! she flirts with everyguy (believe me -- especially the nerds an annoying people who have no friends!!) oh and i'll try to say hi and she'll be standing besde a group of people talking laughing and talking and she wont even be in the convo but she listens to it!!! good quiz --- accurate... btw i know that was personal but i like to tell people... it makes me feel better to get it out xD


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