Are You Popular? | Comments

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  • You are 0% popular!

    Total dork. I actually feel bad. Ur a loser. I'm literally so sorry. LIKE, FOR REALS! Lolz. Love, Brittani.

    Well, don't feel bad for me. I'd rather be the way I am than a snobby, arrogant b---- like you. No, I'm sorry you're so shallow. Maybe one day you'll pull your head out of your ass.

  • i am totally in the oddball group at my school. we are the kids who could really be in any group on the ladder, but we got tired of being pushed around by the people who used to be our best friends, tired of having to fight and yell all the time to be heard, then we all met each other, and became best friends almost, if not, instantly. seriously,1 of my bffs could rule the school, another would so be in the cool nerds, and i could get into the "thinks they are popular" group, who are one step down from being popular, but we all just dont want that. we are a happy family of best friends. we always sit in the same spots when possible, and no mater who we are kind of friends with, we know that the rest of the kids of their group wont accept us.we are happier than they are, anyway.

  • I HART THIS QUIZ! Best ever!


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