Are you "No Feminists Allowed" material? | Comments

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  • "Who are you to tell them how to live?"

    I have a lot of say in this matter. After all, it's my tax dollars that are being wasted. Unplanned pregnancies are a drain on the system. Teenage pregnancies cost taxpayers BILLIONS of dollars per year. The savings that would result from lower teenage/unplanned pregnancy rates (or from sensible government assistance reform) could be passed onto the people in the form of lower taxes. Lower taxes would boost job creation and retention, which help the overall economy. Why the hell should money be taken out of productive people's paychecks to support irresponsible people's children? It's bad enough that single people without children receive far fewer tax credits and have to pay school taxes. It is an outrage that they also have to support -- at least indirectly -- WIC, Medicaid, food stamps, Section 8 housing, and other programs that single mothers take a disproportionate share of. In many unplanned pregnancies, the father abandons his duties, leaving the mother to raise the child -- with the government's support, of course. In other words, the IRRESPONSIBLE father gets to pass on his genes without having to take care of his child, the IRRESPONSIBLE mother gets to take advantage of various government assistance programs paid for by the taxpayers, and the RESPONSIBLE tax-paying public gets to foot the bill. Does this arrangement sound fair to you, IsaboeSpeed?

    Abortion is not the optimal solution, either, so don't try to present the false choice of: abortion or taxpayer-subsidized pregnancies. Abstinence is the answer. People should only be having sex when they possess the financial wherewithal to take care of potential offspring without government assistance. That is only fair. I won't even use the "wait until you get married" line because I wouldn't advise any man to get married in the contemporary western world -- especially when most AW/WW are as corrupted as you, IsaboeSpeed.

  • Who are you to tell them how to live?

  • "What I do believe in is that people should be able to live however they want without having to answer to anybody but their own consince so long as it hurts no one else."

    The problem with your argument is that sexual irresponsibly -- especially amongst our youth -- DOES carry a price that we all have to pay. Their irresponsible behavior DOES affect society as a whole. Hard-working, productive Americans have to subsidize unplanned pregnancies through higher healthcare costs and taxes for various government assistance programs. Liberal states like NY and CA are experiencing severe fiscal crises, which are largely attributable to generous welfare programs that incentivize irresponsible behavior while discouraging productivity. Don't tell me that people's poor lifestyle choices is not anyone else's problem when we ultimately have to pay for it!

  • q_a can't you see the the narrow views and intolerance of the past are what lead to the revolution? If people would open their minds and accept everyone that wants to be peaceable then the world will get better. And what are the "morals" you keep going on about? Because who's to say that your morals what ever they may be, are correct? How can you say that someone else's are less correct than yours? Also, how can you say I'm mislabeling foul ideas? You have no clue as to what exactly I believe. What I do believe in is that people should be able to live however they want without having to answer to anybody but their own consince so long as it hurts no one else. The idea of divine punishment is just another way to force people to live up to a certain idea thought up by people like you who think that their way is best. "In life there is no black or white, only shades of grey." Meaning there is on one person or deed that is absolute good or evil, but a mixtuer of both.

  • "Honestly, do you truely believe that the world will get better if we continue to move backwards in our ideas?"

    No, the world will get a lot worse if we continue down this path of wickedness, corruption, and sin. Our civilization has already been in steep decline since the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s. In case you haven't noticed, I resent your mislabeling of sick, immoral liberal ideology as "progressive" or "forward-thinking" -- and more wholesome, traditional values as "backwards." Our civilization has really *progressed* since the cultural Marxists infiltrated our institutions and successfully promoted their vile agenda, hasn't it? All evidence suggests otherwise. And it will only get worse until this insanity reaches its breaking point.

  • Why are you so sure that you know best? Are by any chance from the early 1900's? Honestly, do you truely believe that the world will get better if we continue to move backwards in our ideas? Because that's what people like you are trying to do. And it's hindering the rest of the world from moving forward.

  • It's strange that words containing 20 or more characters are automatically truncated, with the leftover characters forming a separate word. Oh well. I'll have to remember not to use hyphenated words, just as women should stop hyphenating their surnames (cue George Carlin clip).

  • And to think, Oklahoma is one of the more conservative states in the union -- a state that has stricter-than-avera ge laws on matters like abortion and gay marriage. IsaboeSpeed sounds like she's from some ultra-liberal, culturally-backward s hellhole like New York, California, Colorado, Canada, or the U.K. It just goes to show that the cultural Marxists are winning battles even in traditionally-conse rvative areas like the Bible Belt. It's downright scary if you ask me.

    BTW, I have traveled to all 48 contiguous states, including Oklahoma. In the future, my holidays will be to regions of the world with favorable gender ratios (e.g. many Eastern European nations), relatively male-friendly environments (e.g. Latin America, the Middle East, and the Far East), and comparatively lower costs-of-living. When even young females living in Oklahoma have been corrupted, it is safe to say that the United States is a lost cause.

  • I'm from a place called Oklahoma. It's in the U.S. I sincerly and earnestly hope that you never do travel here. In Oklahoma we believe in the old "Live and let live" way of life... unless someone's just being plain obnoxious and intolerant, of course. Then we fight for what we believe in. :-') But the trees here are quite lovely in spring and there's fishing year round!

  • From which country do you hail, IsaboeSpeed? I'll have to make a mental note never to travel there.

  • What's the matter, boys? Cat got your tongue? Or do you just need more time to come up with such snappy come- backs?

  • Oh, and by the way, in this country, mother-hood is an out dated profession. (Laughter)

  • Really? Ya'll're hilarious! You know absolutly NOTHING about me. How are you going to be able to insult me? Plus ya'll play dirty. I insulted this quiz, you're trying (and failing i might add!) to insult me personaly. May the yellow bird of happiness fly up your noses and become lodged in your left nostril! (That's very insulting where I come from). Also... Bite me! (Laughter)

  • IsaboeSpeed, which question did you answer correctly? I'm sure it was by mistake.

  • That's probably a better strategy, AWS.

    IsaboeSpeed appears to be too dense to detect sarcasm.

  • IsaboeSpeed, you sound like you would make a horrible mother someday.

  • IsaboeSpeed, you sound like you would make a great mother someday.

  • IsaboeSpeed's comment just proves what I have been saying about feminists for years. Nothing but threats of violence and swearing. Man I passed that test with a hundred as well.

    FW 85
  • Feminists sure do not know how to communicate. They are so angry all the time. Anti-feminists rock the house while feminists ruin a good time.

  • Look at the violent responses from feminists. The quiz rocks. Tattoos on chicks are gross and ugly.

  • Scored 100%. Best quiz in years.
    [no urls]


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