Are you good at studying? | Comments

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  • I think it was a fairly good quiz... But, as for the top two paragraph thingies, you CAN be born smart. I have a 98 average, and yet I almost never study. I only study when I am SUPER scared about it. But again, an overall nice quiz.

  • 81%!This was a really good quiz, and doesn't need much improvment.It was intresting enough and had good scenerios.But I doubt I'd get a 22% on a test :S.It said right here I'm pretty good at studying...

  • You are 92% good at studying + good student.

    Congratulations, this is a really good result! You are actually good at studying and a good student! Well done, but remember, keeping it high is the best thing to do. So don't assume your smart and let your studies drop, just keep going!

    Speechles s....

  • Psh... i pass most of my quizzes even though i dont study. and about that project. ill do it anyway. but in case i forgot... ill do it in lunch time. bad grade or not... ill do it. and about the signing... ill just fold the paper and let my parents sign. as easy as that

  • 98%.

    I'm a little suprised, truth be told. I may be a straight-A student, but I am also a terrible procrastinator. I will blow off a project for two weeks, and then attempt to cram it into my studies.

    but hey, I only missed two homework assigments all of last year, so it cannot be all bad!

    Overall, this quiz was very good. (10/10)I wouldn't recommend using caps-lock very often, however, becuase it gets old after a while.

    I wish that you'd added "all" to the question about what your favorite subject was. I cannot choose just one; I love all of my classes!

    Also, putting a "what's your grade average?" question might have helped.


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