Are you an early bird or a night owl? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you an early bird or a night owl?

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  • Night owl,I'm actually both types sense I rarely sleep I'm lucky if I get three hours of rest even anymore but I do enjoy the night way more than day time usually.

  • Your Result: Early Bird

    Your an early bird and you wake up at the crack of dawn every morning (I'm an early bird and I wake up at 6am every morning)

    This is true! I am an early bird,and, just like the person who did this, I also wake up at 6am every morning!

    Thank you! I was hoping I would be an early bird!

  • I wake up early AND stay up late. 4-6 hours of sleep and I'm good to go.

  • You are a night owl the only time you are up at crack of dawn is when your partying, you have no idea there is a 8am apart from when your partying or drinking beer.

    Knew I'd be a night owl. But I don't party and I hate alcohol, great quiz but I think the description let you down a bit, still gave you 10 stars though :)

  • Oh, wow. I'm almost half and half.

  • Night Owl.Nice quiz.Gave it 10 stars.

    6 6 sick

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