Are you a TRUE big reader? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a TRUE big reader?

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  • I read alot, you litteraly never see me without a book or sketch pad in my hand Idk why I got 33% its a bit inaccurate...

  • Reading. Is. My. Friggin. Life. o3o 55% ish incorrect.

  • 65%. *Reads last sentence*: You enjoy reading, but it isn't a staple in your life.*Scrunches up face* Uh, yeah it is. I stay in the library as long as possible after school, I'm apparently the third in having read the most books during the school year, I've completed my summer reading list 2 1/2 times, checked out 270 something books during the whole school year, volounteered one of my electives during school doing community service in the library, spend most of my free time during the day on wattpad, a site with thousands of books to read, and even made my screen name dedicated to how much I love reading, and you say reading isn't a big part of my life? Dude, reading is one of the biggest things in my life, and I'm not going to take this personally, because it is a quiz,and I KNOW I like reading more than 65%.


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