Achilles and Odysseus

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At Hour 25 we have many visiting scholars planned and more Book Clubs. Right now our book club studies Aeschylus' trilogy; The Oresteia. Watch the havoc unfold!

This study is not for the faint hearted, we discuss, incest, adultery, cannibalism, infanticide, rape, murder and a house haunted by daemons lusting for more blood. Oh and sex slaves.

Created by: WilliamMoulton2 of Hour 25
(your link here more info)
  1. In the Iliad who was Hephaestus' current wife?
  2. Who rescued Hephaestus during the War of the Giants?
  3. Who promised Briseis that Achilles would marry her?
  4. Who was Achilles' son?
  5. Who was the handsomest man Odysseus ever saw?
  6. Ghosts are compared to which creatures in the Odyssey?
  7. There are two gates in Hades; one of horn and the other of ivory. What issues from these gates?
  8. In the Iliad, who did NOT wear the armor of Achilles?
  9. Who did Odysseus' son Telemachus save during the slaughter of the suitors?
  10. Who built the Wooden Horse?

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