zombie survival test

do you think you know about zombies? do you think you would be able to survive an attack? with this test you will find out. but make it quick there might be a zombie behind you!!!!!!!1 :D

this test will take your mind to the limit it will test your skill and if you can beat the odds if you can survive in a waste land of the undead. can you defeat the zombie hordes and this test?

Created by: Abbie
  1. How tall are you?
  2. are you good with firearms?
  3. you see a pair of people with guns looking scared and confused. you...
  4. your best friends was bitten. you...
  5. are you an athletic person.
  6. are you a person that gets scared easily?
  7. how well are you in the outdoors.
  8. you come across a gun store. what do you take from it.
  9. where would you make your base at.
  10. say you are in a forest and you down a elk (that you for some reason named George) when a zombie dives for your kill.you...
  11. you are being attacked by the horde you have a handgun with 1 bullet a hunting knife and a bat with nails in it.you...
  12. do you have issues with killing zombies
  13. when you go to amusement parks you
  14. how would you describe your self

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