your Strategy level

this is a quiz to see if your good with jugmit in combat this is baced on my opineins not on any facts that i know of i hope you like it

Created by: danny
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you attack an Enemy in a heavily defended area what is the least number of attacker to defender should you bring
  2. what is the best time to attack an opponents HQ
  3. what is the best way to stop an enemy for crossing a brige but still let the public pass
  4. what is the best number of people to have for a squad
  5. the average weight of an U.S soldier in full gear is 180 pounds how many U.S troop can a humvee carey
  6. true or false the AK-74 and the AK-47 fire the same type of bullet
  7. an enamy fores of 100 man hold the top of a grassy hill you have a fores of 40 man how will you make the enamy come off the hill with the smallist amount of injury's
  8. if half you 5 man team was sick in the middle of a warzone and need medical care but your medic is dead what will you do (your on a mission to save four P.O.W 10KM away there will be kill at 6:00am today it is now 4:00am you have one humvee the HQ is one and a half hour away what will you do)
  9. you have 30 rounds of 5.56 ammo you have 6 troops that need ammo what should you do
  10. you have orders to retrieve a file for and enamy bace your out nubered almost two to one and there is a high posubilut that they think your comeing this file has info on the leader of the U.N what will you carey on this the orders

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Quiz topic: My Strategy level