your most embarasing moment. | Comments

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  • Thanks for posting!!!!!!!!!!

  • OK, this one's really embaressing! It was my last year in primary school and I was obsessed with this guy. (realised playing shoot, shag and marry! LOL)He loved me too!! About 2 weeks after he asked me out he was all I could think about. (I never actually said yes and sat their completely stunned!)I decided I had this huge craving to feel his lips and have a great big kissy with him! I practised kissing leaves in spare time and one of my guy friend tried teaching me how to position my lips!So I told him and he was all for it! But I chickened out and sat their and cried! I obviously wasn't ready to take that step further. He just stared at me dumbfounded! I will NEVER live that down and he still reminds me of this occassionly! He goes to highschool with me and is in one of my classes.

    I can't believe I liked him, he's soooo WEIRD now but in saying that I was a complete DOPE!!!!! :)

  • my most embarrasing moment waz in walmart and my cousin and me were running and i ran into a can display with my cousin and she had baseball slide while holding on 2 my pants and my crush waz with us cuz hes my bestie and when i stood up my cheeky monkey undies were showing and my jeans were at my knees and everyone was staring at me and i started crying after i pulled them up! :(

  • Another embarasing moment was when I was at my aunts house and we were in the back yard they have a swing set and while I was swinging my uncle came up close to me and since I was wearing flats one of them flew of and hit my uncle was along time ago wen I used to wear flats no anymore tho but not because of what happend

  • RATE!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thanks for posting

  • Another embarassing moment is when I was walking to Miranda Westfield. It was super windy and I was wearing a skirt. Just as the door opened a huge gust of wind blew and I was unprepaired. Everyone saw my undies and I had a wedgy! The group of guys behind me whistled and one of them winked. They were hot and about 16 (I'm 15). So embarassing!!!!

    Keep posting comments, I love reding them LOL!! :)

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  • my most embarrasing moment was when i was at my best friends house and she invited my gf over but i didn't tell her cuz i didn't want her to know that i am bi but she found out when she came back from the bathroom and we were both half naked making out on her bed bet you can't imagine how embarrassing that was(post more moments, they make me feel like the awkward one when mine is so extreme)!!!!!!!!;)

  • @emovampire1250
    Th anks!!!!!!!!

  • @lolallday it was SUPERZ GREATZ! p.s mine wasnt really a embarrassing moment i was just thinking of his SUPERZ cute asian frecklez, im asian too and i think itz werid/cute.

  • Can you all answer a question for me,
    Do you think this is a good idea for a quiz?

    (Well its not really a quiz but u know wat I mean)

    plz answer ...thanks

  • My most embarrassing moment was when my crush was just about to ask me out, but I accidentally tripped him and he fell into the pond. No date for me...

  • Thanks for posting!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • My most embarrasing moment was when I was at a party (You know that kind that complete strangers go to too) and the only people I knew were these three guys that all had crushes on me. Let's just say one of them intruduced me to his dad (who comented with "she's pretty"), another tried to impress me by doing push ups with one hand (he fell on his face lol), and the other I ended up dancing with (and I already had a boyfriend) and he ran away half way through the dance saying he was going to throw up! WHY CAN'T NORMAL PEOPLE LIKE ME?????

  • my most embrassing momment was when my friendz were pushing me to my crush, and then i accidently got pushed into him.....but i thanked my friendz for it lolz i didnt know he had freckles and is asian......asian frecklez.......

  • My most embarressing moment was when I was at a sleepover I was in my dressing gown. I'd goin to the toilet to pee but the cord around my dressing gown had fallen in the loo. So I peed on it! I realised later and I could smell something bad. Then the pee dripped on me. I was so embaressed because others started complaining about a bad smell!

    Thankfully no one realised it was me(or so I'd thought) until the next day at school when my best friend asked about it!!

  • My most embarrassing moment was when my crush and I got ganged up on a lot of boys. Those boys were not very nice at all. This is NOT a funny story. This happened at High School. I just wanted to kill myself! They told me they hurted my crush and that she was cheating on me. She never cheated on me and why would boys hurt girls!!!!!!!!!!?? So, that is why I dropped out, even my crush dropped out and moved in with me. So embarrassing!!! :,(

  • I was passing notes with my friend in class and I got caught and got in trouble(I dont know why though because the teacher wasnt teaching and everyone was bored.)my note talked about my secret crush that only my friend knows about, it talked about how muched I liked him my teacher was really mean so she took the note then read it to the class, I sank into my chair with my face bright red luckily my crush wasent in my class I thought, but later at showcasee night my teacher displayed the note! not only my crush saw it but my parents and his parents saw it. :(

  • another embarasing moment was wen i was walking with my friend and i saw a guys brother i know(i dont like him) and i yell out his name and say hi really loud (i was fealing hiper) and then i start running for no reason and he doesnt even know me i was so embarased because he looked back at me thats wen i start to run so yea thats really it it might not seem really embarasig but if it happened to you you would understand lol bye

  • Thanks for posting!!!!!!! Keep on posting em!!!!!!!!! Thanks

  • My most embarassing moment was when my crush asked me,"What would you say if someone asked you to be your boyfriend?" Guess what I did. I SANK DOWN AGIANST THE POLE. He gave this weird face that said,"It's okay, she's just really shocked. Maybe I'll ask her next time." Then he smiled.

  • My most embarrassing moment was when I was at my friends B-day party at like 12pm we were playing truth or dare and they dared me to run around the park in front of her house with my shirt and bra off so I did but a guy that goes to my school was having his party down the street and my crush was there and they were outside and I was like OMG I can't back out of the dare now so they aw me run around the park with my shirt and bra off and that Monday at school my crush winked at me and my friends that weren't at the party told me the whole school knew what had happened and I was sooooooooo embarrassed!!!!!!

  • My most embarassing moment was I was walking with my boyfriend who is currently my ex boyfriend down the street because we had a break during math lessons and my socks wasn't matching and he said, "like your socks." I LOLed and tried to hide it.

  • Thanks for posting!

    My most embarasing moment was one time in the winter i was in school so the floor was slippery so i slip almost doing a split and hold on to some guys backpack so i dont do the whole split and some girls laughted at me but it was ok cuz they were my friends lol


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