your most embarasing moment. | Comments

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  • @Below
    Eww! But I also feel bad:(

  • Once I was in Chicago and I was playing mini golf then I got the urge to pee and I saw a cute guy so I kept starring. Then I realized I was gonna explote so I when running to the bathroom before I even entered the bathroom the pee was going off my pants and everyone laughed. The pee was all over my pants and I was all wet. Then I entered the bathroom and I farted a big one:(

  • Thxs for talking my quiz!!! Please rate and comment!!! thanks

  • Okay so i was in woodshop and i was just standing waiting for my turn at the machiene and i did and while i was walking back my shirt got caught on the blade and it ripped alsmost in half and every one saw by bra, my crush, my guy friends...and to make it worst i am the,only girl in that class and the teacher was a guy...

  • My most embarrassing moment was when my friend was texting me, she told me she was in the hospital, I didn't believe her at first, then her brother (Who I have a crush on) started texting me. I didn't think it was him, so I talked to him like I would my friend. Then I talked to a different friend and found out that I really was texting him. Yeah he probably thinks I'm insane now. Lol

  • Haha, you guys have funny moments! Okay, here's mine:

    In first grade I was bending down to pick something up near my cupboard. My hair got stuck in the handle and a bunch got RIPPED out! No one saw me, but they saw the hair. They told the teacher and the teacher had to take all that hair and throw it away. I haven't told a soul! :o

  • My most embarassing moment was when i was at the beach, and i had gotten a new bikini for the trip. Well, my little brother Nathan thought it was be funny to pull the strinng in the back because he though it would choke me or something. But he didnt know it was to make it xome undone, for it came undone and almost everyone saw my "things"

  • Please read my friend's quiz series If You Follow a Rabbit!

  • wow.

  • When I got Cyber-Bullied today. P.S. If you are wondering if you Cyber-Bullied on a quiz, take the Analysis System called "Did You Ever Cyber-Bully on a Quiz?". This is seriously not a quiz. It is a C.B.A.S, or Cyber-Bullying Analysis System.

    Kitty Power
  • my most embarrising moment is when i LOVED this one boy and these three guys found out and started yelling _____ loves jullian!.....then the WHOLE school started yelling it! and the boy i liked got embarresed ;(........ but the boys who stared it had to write me an apology letter HEHE


  • My most embarrassing moment happened a lot. It keeps happening when I get bullied. People called me fatty, smelly, sweaty, etc. I just wanted to kill myself so badly! The first time, kids were taking up 2 seats, the next, 6th graders bullied me! They said I was looking for someone fat and sweaty, but no, I was looking for someone funny, hot, an kind! They kept calling me smelly! So embarrassing! P.S. On one quiz, meow15 posted a not nice comment that, they called me chubby well theyre stupid im bulemic so what my bodys sexy beat that !!!!! So not nice. I never apprecieated her attitude.

  • RATE!!! tHANKS!!! :)

  • LOL THANKS FOR POSTING!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  • My most embaressing moment was in elementary school. I was wearing old hand - me- down shorts, and I was playing catch with my besties, I missed the ball and when I bent down to get it my pants ripped! 5 people saw before I took my sweatshirt and covered it up for the day. Of course one of the five people was my old crush. HORRIFYING!!!!!!

  • I was at a choir concert, and it was the day after my very first period started, but I figured I didn't need a pad, so I was just wearing a pantiliner, and i blead all over the place so I confessed to my mom and we went home between shows. No one knew except me and my mom and my sister, but I was mortified.

  • thanks for posting :)

  • My most embarrassomg moment is when I was wearing basketball shorts and my friend Austin desided to pants me. My boxers came down along with my shorts. His girlfriend saw my butt O..O

  • Thanks for posting

  • My most embarrasing moment was when my friend and I went to a party together. I didnt know he liked me and in front of my ex he decides to kiss me .So I run outside where no one is and he followed me and asked me out !?! So we're dating now, but every time I think of our first kiss I feel really embarrased.

  • Another embaressing moment is when I had just goin to the bathroom at school and I'd gotten toilet paper stuck up my undies! No one even told me! It was assembly so I'm pretty sure everyone would have seen it! It was treiling behind me. When I finaly looked around and saw it I quickly pulled it out and dumped it on the ground! LOL! Then, in class there was even more in my undies! Quietly under the table I pulled it ALL out and stuffed it under someone else's desk (where you're meant to put pencil cases, books etc!!! Every 2 weeks we'd change spots and it wasn't till then that the class knew about it! Lucky no one knew it was me and I've managed to keep it secret.

    Btw I was only about 9 when that happened I wouldn'y pull stuff out of my undies now! LoL! I am so paronoid about it happening again so I check all the time now, I also have this paronoid thing about fliers being un done. Belive me it's super embaressing stuff when you're flashing to the world to see! It always manages to happen to me though! Stupid wind! LOL :)

  • Thanks for taking my quiz its been taken 300 times!

  • Lol thanks for posting guys!!!!!!(and girls)

  • my most embarrasing moment was when me and my brother went to shop rite and we were going grocery shopping and i tripped over my shoe strings they got caught in the door way of the sliding door and i fell flat on my face, the people were staring then my brothers comes up behind me and hits me with the cart banging on the door and me listening to him lauagh really piced me off so i try to get up and cant then i had to get help. and the manager of shoprite had to come out and unlock the door so that i could get up i immediatly got up and ran to the car embarrassed LOL


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