Xbox or PlayStation Quiz

This is a Quiz to show how you really game, will it show true memes? or will you be liking some other console without even knowing? try this quiz and see if your really dedicated to your console

Are YOU a gamer? try this quis this quiz will make sure and background your true console. because every fanboy needs to take this quiz its awesome and will show your true console pick

Created by: Chris of none
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you hear when you play Search and destroy on cod,
  2. Whats your K-d on Call of Duty
  3. What Kind of Graphics Cards do you like the best?
  4. Mountain Dew or Doritos
  5. Laptop or desktop
  6. Halo or Spiderman the game
  7. how do you get ram
  8. Whats CS:GO
  9. Whats the "difference" between Xbox and PlayStation?
  10. Steam or Origin?
  11. do you use discs or download the games?
  12. do you like Green or Blue?

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