WoW Gameplay test, are u a noob?

There are MILLIONS of people that play World of Warcraft, but are you just a Noob or are you a skilled player? Many players are noobs, time to seperate yourself from all the rest!!

Well once you take this quiz hopfully you will find out whether or not you are a noob or a Leetsauce lvl 70 pwner!! Are you ready for this quiz.....BRACE YOURSELF!! lol

Created by: Michael
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are a lvl 63 Orc Hunter, and you come across a 70 Mage, do you...
  2. Now you have lvled up to lvl 67 and you are in WSG, Do you...
  3. Now you are 70 and you dont wanna do all that lvling again and you see a spammer for power you...
  4. Now you have a lvl 46 undead rogue through either power lvling or normal lvling depending on what u chose in question #5, and you see a really nice epic wep in the AH for 420g, do you..
  5. Ur rogue has lvled up to 58 and ur gonna go to outland, but u have all lower lvl greens (50-56) do you...
  6. Sorry..have to do it.. whats ur fav color.. LOL
  7. What is ur favorite Faction?
  8. Which would you prefer......
  9. Hot Pockets or Pizza rolls lol
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz at all? (this is my first quiz)
  11. (not done yet lol)Do you own Any of the expansions?

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