Would You Make A Great Gotoquiz Moderator?

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Gotoquiz Moderators' main duties are to prevent spammers and offensive posts by various users including other Moderators. Helping other users anyway they can such as answering various questions and helping New People get around is also a priority. You may contact a Moderator when possible by posting a thread in the forums and we may help when we can. Would you make a great Moderator?

What is needed to be said has been said. Gotoquiz Moderators' main duties are to prevent spammers and offensive posts by various users including other Moderators. Helping other users anyway they can such as answering various questions and helping New People get around is also a priority. Would make a great Moderator?

Created by: Kish
  1. The above questions do not count, but here we go :) Age please?
  2. What is the order of statuses on Gotoquiz from first to last?
  3. When did you stumble upon Gotoquiz for the very FIRST time?
  4. Which one of the following requires the Moderator to penalize the user?
  5. Who is Gtq Guy?
  6. Someone seems to be penalizing your account and increasing your post time limits for no apparent reasons, what are you likely to do?
  7. Are you okay with normal users like you and I (and others) tracking other people's IP Addresses here on Gotoquiz even when they claim that "it is necessary"?
  8. Do you think Age should be a necessary factor that determines the Moderators to be chosen on this site?
  9. How do you think Moderators should be chosen?
  10. You see a "Newbie" status account spamming the Forums by constantly posting pointless threads over and over again,what is a Moderator required to do?
  11. You have been elected as a Moderator and are now being accused of abusing power even when you know you are innocent, what is your likely response?
  12. You see a new user being cyber-bullied by other users in the forums, what would you do?
  13. You see a user commonly known for causing "drama" being crushed by other users. Your response?
  14. An account has been hacked and everyone is pointing fingers at a known hacker for doing this. How do you handle the situation?
  15. Someone asks for proof whether you are a Moderator or not, how do you show him?
  16. You are now a Moderator... You are likely to...

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