Would You Be A Good Warrior Cat Leader?

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I guess I created this quiz for people who are unsure of how great of a leader they are or will be. I really hope people like it and can get good information on themselves.

Are you a great clan leader? Or are you the kind of cat to murder your clan mate for power and leadership? Find out in this amazing quiz. Would you run your clan right into the ground? Or lead a clan worthy of praise?

Created by: Crimson
  1. A couple of apprentices are fighting over who cought more prey:
  2. A tree starts to fall into the camp:
  3. How much time do you think a leader needs to spend with its clan?
  4. You would pick a warrior to be deputy who:
  5. If your clan was going into battle, you would:
  6. You want to be the deputy, you:
  7. Whats the best things to have while hunting?
  8. When fighting you like to:
  9. You love the medicine cat but your the leader:
  10. You're clan was destroyed, You:

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