WoF Love Quiz Pt1

This is a Wings of Fire love quiz where you can find your Wings of Fire love life. It's part one so there are only three results that are all Pantalan dragons. If you want an actual life quiz then just comment.

I will be making a part two later so if you want a Pyrrhian dragon then please be on the lookout for that. I know it seems that I did not put much work into this but it took forever so I hope it's good!

Created by: Lady Jewel
  1. Which word best describes you? (or is closest to describing you)
  2. Which Leafwing tribe do you like better?
  3. Which Pantalan tribe are you in?
  4. Which tribe is your true love in?
  5. Which name sounds best?
  6. What kind of life do you want?
  7. How do you want to die?
  8. Would you join the Chrysalis?
  9. How was this quiz? (No effect)
  10. Bye (Also no effect)

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