Will You Survive 24 hours with #Errorcode134#?

My hands hurt I've been writing stories all day so sorry if it's short. This is also my first quiz. But #Error is hopefully going to become a creepypasta.

#Errorcode134# was a human before he was sacrificed. then cooked for the entity the cult worshiped. He can be seen when you feel afraid, or summon him.

Created by: HomicidalLiuMine
  1. You wake up in a room and see that your left wrist is handcuffed to a metal pole that reaches from floor to ceiling (You:)
  2. whatever you did caused #Errorcode134# to get up and pull at the chains surrounding both wrists and laugh in the muzzle that keeps him from eating you. (You:)
  3. Now Intrigued #Errorcode134# draws nearer to you and sniffs the air in excitement! You don't smell like food You smell like promise as he continues to sniff the air (You:)
  4. #Errorcode134# slowly opens a wide mouth with sharp teeth... (You:)
  5. #Errorcode134# cocks his head when you shove a chocolate bar his way, you tell him it's food- before you say anything else he says; I'm not stupid I just choose to Ignore you.(You:)
  6. If you choose to talk (You:) (pick one) and talk about it for hours.(What did you pick:)
  7. #Errorcode134# eventually gets bored and asks you your favorite food, (You say:)
  8. #Errorcode134# dully asks "who is your fave creepypasta"
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Should I try and make #Errorcode134# a creepypasta?

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Quiz topic: Will I Survive 24 hours with #Errorcode134#?
