Will I Be Fat in 5 Years | Comments

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  • You got a 93% on you're estimated fat 93%

    You are extremely overweight and if you don't make a immediate change you will surely die within the next 3 years so. Please heed my warning and STOP EATING SOO MUCH, WORK OUT 3 HOURS A DAY, EAT HEALTHY and hopefully come out

  • a 76% on youre estimated fat 76%

    you are definatly overweight and could use to lose some weight and you should because you now are in a life threatning situation please work out cut down on sweets and dont have any i said ANY FATT foods

  • got a 90% on youre estimated fat 90%

    you are extremely overweight and if you dont make a immediate change you will surely die within the next 3 years so please head my warning and STOP EATING SOO MUCH, WORK OUT 3 HOURS A DAY, EAT HEALTHY and hopefully come out

  • % on youre estimated fat 82%

    you are definatly overweight and could use to lose some weight and you should because you now are in a life threatning situation please work out cut down on sweets and dont have any i said ANY FATT foods

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    All in all i hope this helped you and will help you improve are world further and save us from are ultimate obesse world thanks again for particapating in this quiz

    "will i be fat in 5 yeaars" was created by Eric

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    Sws 221trrf
  • got a 90% on youre estimated fat 90%

    you are extremely overweight and if you dont make a immediate change you will surely die within the next 3 years so please head my warning and STOP EATING SOO MUCH, WORK OUT 3 HOURS A DAY, EAT HEALTHY and hopefully come out

    Shayne W Shay
  • 55%

    you are chubby but no one could notice it except you so its ok don't get sad and mad you weren't average you're just fine but try to cut down on the sugar & fat and work out more

  • got a 73% on youre estimated fat 73%

    you are definatly overweight and could use to lose some weight and you should because you now are in a life threatning situation please work out cut down on sweets and dont have any i said ANY FATT foods

    Shayne W Shay
  • got a 73% on youre estimated fat 73%

    you are definatly overweight and could use to lose some weight and you should because you now are in a life threatning situation please work out cut down on sweets and dont have any i said ANY FATT foods

    Shayne W Shay
  • You got a 88% on youre estimated fat 88%

    you are extremely overweight and if you dont make a immediate change you will surely die within the next 3 years so please head my warning and STOP EATING SOO MUCH, WORK OUT 3 HOURS A DAY, EAT HEALTHY and hopefully come out ok

    Shayne W Shay
  • You got a 71% on youre estimated fat 71%

    you are definatly overweight and could use to lose some weight and you should because you now are in a life threatning situation please work out cut down on sweets and dont have any i said ANY FATT foods

    Shayne W Shay
  • Used to be skinny but this quiz was right once I turned 13 I gained like 15 lbs and I got 52% lol used to get in the 30s

  • nice quiz

  • I want to get fat how do I get fat I am 10 and a 110 pounds but I want get super fat

    • If you wanna gain weight then you should eat avacados and tons of different fruits and meat, but if you want a easier way then you can just eat al lot junk food and soft drinks, you can take pills too but I dont recommend it at your age. But remember it takes lots of patience and depends a lot on your metabolism. At your age you should have fast metabolism so I would wait until Im about 15 or so, or just until your metabolism starts slowing down (I dont know when it does slow down lmao). Exercise less as well and good day.

  • Please learn about fat.

    Fat people actually live longer and have much better and happier lives.

    • Well this is a lie lmao

      Fat people dont live longer, and just because your heavier doesnt mean youll have a happier life or live a better one.

  • i'm 13 and i got 94%... but i don't care about my weight let's get fat and get some diabetes or heart attack!

    • If you get diabetes you won't be able to eat lots of the food that you probably love

  • 68% Well at least I like being fat. :D

  • 33% fat:) I think that's pretty darn good. I'm going to reward myself with a pizza or something.

  • I have a boyfriend that always ties me to a chair and stuffs me until my pants pop my bellies huge and I look super pregnant

    • I wish! You're living the dream!!!

      Fatty Jazzi
  • I got 55% i'm 15 5'6" and I weigh like 250 pounds. Wayy off... Oh well I like being fat

  • Yay I got 89% and I weigh 346 pounds. My boyfriend is overweight too... He always ties am to a chair and piles loads of fattening foods into my mouth all the time. I averagely eat about 4500 calories per day. ;-)

  • i got 100%

  • I got 55% and on? 18 I was none of those I have 4big rolls of fat

  • 32% estimated fat

    you are healthy and dont need to worry about being fat or too skinny you should keep up the good work and reward yourself with a crunch bar

    *eats crunch bar*

  • 87%

  • i got 12% :-/ im not underwieght tho im 12 5' 1" and wiegh 88 pounds thts most def not underwieght ps imma girl and i have an 8 pack!!

    • That i think is underweight

    • Nah bro thats totally normal your not underweight, when I was your age I was 90 something 5 foot something and I was skinny according to my mom, and she always told me I needed to gain weight but I never believed her until I started to lose weight (I was 70 something) and decided I should gain weight again (present) Im 90 something again, thought I havent checked in a while so Im probably 100 something cause Ive been overeating a bit. And you have a 8 pack soooo yeah, if you have a 8 pack you should probably gain more fat cause no fat and just muscle (body builder body) looks kinda weird to me but some people are very into it, but what matters is that your healthy and happy so you do you friend.


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