Will he hurt me?

Okay, so. I lost my best friend last night over email, she is convinced my friend (her enemy) will hurt me, but I'm sure he won't. I mean, she does this a lot. She lies, she tears apart friend ships. She has made my life a living hell the past three years and I'm sick of it! Last night I finally chose a side in this argument, after MONTHS of not choosing a side, I finally chose his side. He doesn't hurt me the way she always does!

When my friend dumped her on valentines day last year, she decided I couldn't be friends with him! Honey, I'm sorry he dumped you on valentines day, but that doesn't mean you get to rip apart his and i's friendship! Now the petty argument between the two of them has been taken to the police, many times! ( the guy I first mentioned, not the guy who dumped her on valentines day) it's ridiculous, and she seems convinced he is gonna hurt me! But she has hurt me more in the three years I have known her than he has hurt me in the 5 months we have been friends! She has hurt me more in just one of any month I have known her than in the 5 months the guy and I have been friends! For Pete's sake, she ruined my birthday!

Created by: Inloveandstuff
  1. Well, last night I finally took a side in this argument. I chose his side.
  2. Well, I know she was always gonna hurt me in this situation. I also know that he was always gonna be more honest. She lied about everything!
  3. And I mean everything! We went to this new burger place, she suggested I buy my mom a burger. I didn't want to. I wasn't sure what she would want, she usually doesn't eat to much anyway.
  4. Well, she was all like, "fine, but I still think you should" and I still said no, my money anyway.
  5. Later I found out she had lied to her mom, she told her she had bought my mom a burger, because I was too selfish to buy one for her. Her mom texted my mom asking how her burger was. My mom didnt know what she was talking about. She didnt buy my mom a burger.
  6. I have been trying my best robe there for both of them, but the jerk didnt care. I threw up at school yesterday, for 2 hours. It wasn't much, but it was terrible. I had a big stomach ache at the beginning of DPA
  7. My friend saw how I was holding my stomach and asked me if I was okay, this is another friend, btw, a much nicer one.she brought me to the office.
  8. After that, I went into the sick room and lied down. After about 3/4 of a period (about 30 minutes, each full period is 40 minutes) my stomach had settled a bit, then a popular boy came in, we aren't really friends, but we waved as he passed to the other sick bed.
  9. At some point, I'm assuming before I grew up, he fell asleep. He was so lucky. As he dozed, I started hacking. I knew if I didn't start trying to force up some spit, I would be sorry. I don't throw up often at all, but when I do. . .
  10. It eventually started coming, but it wasn't much, as usual. Just a little at a time, more of a gross throw uppy spit than actual throwing up, so that's good.
  11. Anyway, when he woke up and started to leave, he asked me if I was okay! Only two of 83 students in my grade asked me if I was okay! It took a popular who doesn't pay much attention to me ever to get to two people!
  12. Lets move on to another subject. Shall we?
  13. In CTS, which is foods, wood carving, wood working, sewing, clay stuff, and many other things rolled into one class, we made smoothies in the kitchen. My friend was the only other person in my kitchen, and everyone in the entire kitchen group were boys, except me. Anyway, he gave me the over flowing cup, and took the less full one. The boy in question of hurting me, not the popular guy.
  14. He does lots for me, I feel almost as comfortable as around my big crush.
  15. On question 11, it says grew up, I meant threw up, but its being a jerk and won't let me fix it. Darn this iPad, sometimes!
  16. Whenever I try to hear both sides of their story, he tells one thing, and it usually makes enough sense, and then she tells a completely different story! It never even makes that much sense!
  17. Lots of people thing he nd I are dating! If anyone but him and, like, 3 others ever actually listened to me, they would know I am not allowed to date until I'm 16, and that is one rule I will never brake!
  18. Okay, I have weird dreams, but I find that if anyone I know is in my dream, it's almost always gonna be someone I like, as in, like like kind of like, or a good guy friend. Sometimes some of my female friends are in them, but not as often.
  19. Okay, so this one time I dreamt I was a monster, and I have been in this monster place in my dreams before, I go there quite often in my dreams, actually. So in this dream, I was, you know, a monster. Prancing about In these towers and things, by the ginormous doorways to the washrooms that have curtains for the doors, killing people,you know, the usual. Then all of a sudden, everyone disappeared. I asked where everyone went. A big round fat ghost girl appears from the curtains and says, "look over there'" she is pointing by the boys washroom area, and in a gargoyle footed bathtub, there he sits in his clothes. Everyone is poring buckets of water over his head, and he looks really sad.then I woke up
  20. Okay, so this one time I dreamt I was a monster, and I have been in this monster place in my dreams before, I go there quite often in my dreams, actually. So in this dream, I was, you know, a monster. Prancing about In these towers and things, by the ginormous doorways to the washrooms that have curtains for the doors, killing people,you know, the usual. Then all of a sudden, everyone disappeared. I asked where everyone went. A big round fat ghost girl appears from the curtains and says, "look over there'" she is pointing by the boys washroom area, and in a gargoyle footed bathtub, there he sits in his clothes. Everyone is poring buckets of water over his head, and he looks really sad.then I woke up
  21. I'm wondering if he will hurt me, stupid she-jerk thinks so.
  22. Well, I kinda feel like throwing up, so I'm gonna go have a shower.

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