Why aren't you feeling well? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Why aren't you feeling well?

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  • Your just a little sick, nothing to worry about. You should be better in a couple of days, give or take a few. I hope your sickness clears up so you can have fun!

    I hope so, too. I think my best friends brother is coming over, he is only a year older, and we usually dog pile together, and wrestle with my younger sister, and I don't want to miss out on that! Also, I might have gotten him sick, his parents and my parents are like best friends, and they come over lots and stay really late, and we got tired so we just watched vsauce last night and layed on each other. EVERYONE WHO EVER LAYS DOWN ON ME OR NEXT TO ME OR WHATEVER SAYS IM COMFY!!! EVEN HIM!! WHY???!!!!

  • -.-' i dont have a freakin exotic disease.


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