Who's your fairy tail boyfriend?

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This quiz is to see who your fairy tail boyfriend is! When answering the question do your answer and don't try to get the character you want. The answer to every question is connected to one of the boys!

Do you want to find out who your fairy tail boyfriend is? Then take this quiz! Please check out who your fairy tail girlfriend is and what fairy tail member are you most like.

Created by: Lili
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If in need who would you think would be the first to come?
  2. which on of the following would you discrimination yourself as?
  3. If your friend is captured which of the following would you do?
  4. Which power would you like your boyf to have?
  5. Which out of the following would you say it S your worst fault?
  6. Who do you think you have out of the following so far?
  7. What guild would you want to be in out of the following?
  8. Which exceed are you most like? (Doesn't mean you would get points for there owner)
  9. What colour is your favourite from the following?
  10. Last question! Who is your Fave girl in fairy tail?

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Quiz topic: Who's my fairy tail boyfriend?