Which Unique Magical Creature Are You?

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Harry Potter fans got what they were waiting for when Fantastic Beasts came out, showing us all kinds of creatures and making us wish we could meet them in person.

They each have a unique personality, and each is special. If you lived in the magical world as a creature with powers, what would you be? Answer these questions to find out!

Created by: rhouser
  1. How do you handle interaction with others?
  2. Are you pretty peaceful or is it easy to get riled?
  3. How independent are you?
  4. Is your wardrobe full of mostly neutrals, darks, or colorful clothes?
  5. Where would you like to travel?
  6. What pets do you have/like?
  7. What would you name your pet?
  8. How about, what's your favorite thing to eat when you're treating yourself?
  9. Do you get scared easily?
  10. And lastly, a question purely for fun! Pick an adorable thing:

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Quiz topic: Which Unique Magical Creature am I?
