Which TMNT are you?

Are you the funny one, the angry one, the brain, or the leader? Are you the goof, the psycho, the logical one, or the cool head? Take this TMNT quiz to find out which turtle you are!

Ever wondered which ninja turtle matches your personality? Take this quiz to find out! Questions are based on what each turtle would choose when offered this quiz.

Created by: haley
  1. Splinter has told you to practice sparring for an hour. You'd rather...
  2. What kind of toppings would you want on your pizza?
  3. You're given a pair of headphones in which you can choose to listen to anything that you want. What would you choose?
  4. The shredder is heading right for you.You...
  5. Splinter leaves one day and tells you to find a job. You get a job as...
  6. You're most prized possession is...
  7. Two of your siblings are fighting, so you...
  8. You can chose anywhere you'd like to go and you decide to...
  9. You're hero is....
  10. You're martial arts skill level is...

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Quiz topic: Which TMNT am I?