Which Slytherin Student Are You?

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This quiz lets you know which Slytherin student you are most like, with particular reference to Audrey Potter's characterizations in "Green Eyed Monster".

Who are you: Daphne Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Lillian Moon, Tracey Davis, Blaise Zabini, or even Draco Malfoy? Specially based off of "Green Eyed Monster's" characterizations, this quiz will tell you which character you could step in the shoes of.

Created by: EgyptsLegend
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which element best represents you?
  2. Of the following, what is the most important?
  3. What is your greatest fear?
  4. What is your strongest trait?
  5. What do you value most in a companion?
  6. Which of the following is the least important?
  7. What's the hardest thing you've had to overcome?
  8. How much does money matter?
  9. What matters more than money?
  10. What is your favorite subject?
  11. Which creature do you most relate to?
  12. What makes you a Slytherin?
  13. Which character are you hoping to get?

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Quiz topic: Which Slytherin Student am I?