Which professional facial is best for you?

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Do you want to know which professional facial treatment would be best for you, your skin type and concerns? For many of us choosing one facial from a long list of facial services can be overwhelming.

This is a tool to help you figure out what your lovely skin needs. Take this quiz to find out which facial would be best suited for you to give you the best results for your unique skin!

Created by: Kim Brown, Esthetician
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your skin type?
  2. Are you using Retin-A, Retinol or acne medications, either topical or oral?
  3. Which one of these concerns you the most about your skin?
  4. What is your skin tone?
  5. Do you lay out in the sun or use a tanning bed?
  6. Would you say aging skin is one of your concerns at this time?
  7. Does your skin get irritated easily or is extremely sensitive?
  8. Do you have blackheads, whiteheads, and/or milia, (small bumps with white "pearl-like" beads typically located under the eyes)?
  9. Do you have scarring?
  10. Do you have enlarged pores?
  11. Have you experienced a professional facial treatment before at a spa or salon?

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