Which part of Malex! are you?

AS YOU ALL WELL KNOW, MALEX PWNZ N00BZ 2 T3H M00N AND BAQ. DATZ Y WE MAKE A QUIZZZZZZZZZ. we believe in not having to have one hundred and fifty characters but are not able to submit until this requirement is met which is extremely annoying. okay so now i shall see if i have met said requirement.

oh surprise, i have to write another paragraph. ELLLO POPPET, MA OF MALEX! REPORTING. i want to submit this quiz so lex can have her surprise. this is so0o0o0o0o0o annoying. i'm beginning to wish i wasn't vegan because i would really like some pound cake. okay i have reached my character quota.

Created by: Ma
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. After a hard week, you would rather:
  2. Your iPod mainly consists of
  3. You spend the majority of your school day:
  4. You would rather have a boyfriend who:
  5. You give your best friend lots of money
  6. If given the choice, you would rather
  7. You live
  8. When you're in trouble, your mom:
  9. The house is yours for the night! You:
  10. None of your screws are loose (on two counts, l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l)
  11. If you could kill anyone in the entire world, who would it be?
  12. FINALLY, given the choice, would you rather have an ocean or a desert?

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Quiz topic: Which part of Malex! am I?