Which Moriah Elizabeth human squishy are YOU?

Hello, thanks for reading! As a super fan of Moriah Elizabeth, I have made a quiz about Moriah before, it is a plush quiz. Also, I made this while it was snowing and it was FEBURARY.

So, the rest is gonna be boring stuff since I'm required to fill this box... the results you can get are: Bunny costume person, DD girl, Purple haired girl, Chip, Face of failure, umm...person. I didn't include the mermaid because its not a human squishy. Its a mermaid.

Created by: Madelyn
  1. Hi! Welcome to the quiz. How are you? (doesnt affect score)
  2. Which is your favorite holiday out of these?
  3. If you could make your hair any out of these colors, which would you choose?
  4. If you were a squishy, you would want to be..
  5. Boy or girl?
  6. If you were a squishy, you would wanna be..
  7. Which of these color schemes do you HATE?
  8. Would you rather..
  9. Which of these color schemes do you LOVE?
  10. Do you like Dunkin Donuts?
  11. (BONUS) Did you enjoy this? (no effect.)

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Quiz topic: Which Moriah Elizabeth human squishy am I?
