Which male Resident Evil hero are you most like?

Who are you like, dang it? ANSWER ME OR DIE! =D Raggle fraggle! I can't think of anything else! My spleen hurts! ANGST! X_X Waffles! My spleen hurts! Raggle FRAGGLE!

Who is you like, dang it? ANSWER ME OR DIE! =D Raggle fraggle! I can't think of anything else! My spleen hurts! ANGST! X_X Waffles! My spleen hurts! Raggle FRAGGLE!

Created by: Luis Sera
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you had a crush on someone, and she kept running away from you, would you..
  2. If you were in a dark mansion, would you..
  3. If you were in the R.P.D, would you..
  4. Are you naive?
  5. Do you like guns?
  6. Are you white and nerdy?
  7. Weapon of choice?
  8. Now, randomness.
  9. MOAR.
  10. Hdarfh
  11. She's a killer:

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Quiz topic: Which male Resident Evil hero am I most like?