Which male Afton are you?

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Which of the male Aftons are you? Are you Emo? Kinda gay? Angry? A murderer? Now, since there aren't enough words I'll justt fhuiierfhurhffuienrfiuehrytfggy

erhfuhrfheiurfhieufiiejfiiejriuhryggiuheurhuehrufuhrfurfhujhurfhurhrffjnveiuhueriuheufuheuhfiuiehrufhiuffrfrffhurhrufhujfhrfuhfruhrf enjoy the quiz lol

Created by: AfToNsRdEaD
  1. You see someone get bullied, what do you do?
  2. So- Ennard: LET ME ASK A QUESTION- Me: Dude, you're not even in this- Ennard: Idfc- Me: Fine... Ennard: DO YOU LIKE EXOTIC BUTTERS?!!
  3. Liz: I WANNA ASKKK Me: Fine... Liz: Who's the better animatronic?
  4. Favorite Food?
  5. Now, you gay?
  6. I need 10 f-ing questions istg, ummmmmm the restof these are just filler sooo no effect. You die in among us by purples hand, what do you say?
  7. Pick your child's age.
  9. I d f k w h a t t o a s k
  10. Finallyyyy, did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which male Afton am I?
